
Author Topic: UI improvements  (Read 2269 times)


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UI improvements
« on: March 12, 2016, 04:55:33 AM »
I've just purchased Playmaker 1.8.
I think it's a fantastic plugin...because I'm not a programmer.
There are some things I don't like, mostly aesthetic UI things.

#01 I'd like to have rounded nodes and pins from where to start the connections. It would give a much cleaner visualization.

#02 If you want to detach the connection simply click on the spline wire, it will highlight and with backspace you can delete it.

#03 when you click RMB to delete the various transitions you have to precisely over the mouse pointer in that tiny square area.
Instead of understanding where the mouse is, you could add an highlight state so you are sure you are over that transition.
I prefer to click on that transition and press backspace to delete it.

#04 Grid would be a nice feature to visually organize better the various nodes.

#05 When you create Global transition or the first initial state you can't pick that label to drag it. I think we could drag head and body separately and create more space between the two nodes, now we can drag the start-state1 picking only the "state1" node.

#06 The maximum zoom in is fixed, I'd like to have a more enlarged nodes, for me the 1:1 zoom is too tiny or low.

#07 When we create new events I'd like to assign the color directly in the list and not when we attach them to the states.

#08 Action browser is very confusing because the various actions are confused with the menus. Now you click on the button to expand or open the list. I prefer the list separated in a left column and when I click the group the list will open on the right.
I attached a ps makeup.

#09 Please, embed ugui commands in the installer. I want to control standard Unity UI with the default Playmaker installation.

best regards


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Re: UI improvements
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2016, 09:42:11 AM »

 Thanks for your list of improvement requests. Indeed, you are making some good points.

 Hopefully, some of it will make it into the next updates.

#04. enable Snapping in the Preferences, you will have a grid system.

#09. Hopefully with time, this will make it into the official build, right now efforts are conducted to bring the Physics 2d and related featured into the official builds, maybe next will be the UI indeed.

