
Author Topic: PlayMaker For Programmer & Game Developer/Programmer Or Technical Game Designer  (Read 4179 times)


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Was thinking about purchasing the PlayMaker asset on the asset store. I am a Junior in computer science and have co-oped at various different companies. I have a decent amount of coding experience with school and co-ops/internships one of those internships being at a Video Game Company. I have tons of Ideas for games but when I get down and try writing them myself it does not work out. I get overran very quickly by the systems that need to be built being the only programmer. Also keep in mind I don't have a Senior Software Engineer to help me out like at an internship. I know my way around unity but I don't find sitting in Visual Studio for hours trying to figure something out rather then doing it in half the time and getting the same result(We aren't talking about optimization here just pure functionality) . That' s just not how my brain works.

I would like to use Playmaker, I think it would help me complete the game ideas I have which then will make my portfolio larger for when I apply at a Game Company upon graduation. If none of these games I have in my head are never built I wont have a portfolio of games I've built or been apart of. What I am concerned about is not writing code if that makes sense. Although I heard you can add code ontop of Playmaker or work it into playmaker as a function or something like that. I also dont want to be JUST a PlayerMaker Dev if that makes sense but I would really like to work on my portfolio.

So I am looking for opinions on PlayMaker for a programmer. I tried using Blueprints in unreal and I don't know unreal as well as I know unity so I disliked BP's. How Similar is playmaker to BP's.

What I am coming to realize is I think I would want to become a Technical Game Designer if that's a position. Something like a person who would create A Boss Fight in Darksouls or WoW. I would still want to code a bit but I wouldn't want to write the system why the camera works the way that it does or why the player moves the way he moves because that's just not interesting to me.

Please voice your opinion. It is much appreciated!

I realize we are on the PlayMaker Forum but lets try not being biased as I am trying to make a larger step toward my career!


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Hi and welcome to the forum!

Im a noob but from my understanding game companies would definitely see coding skills in popularly used languages (and as many as possible, but certainly at least one) as a huge advantage.

So if your dream is to work in big game companies upon graduation, then certainly dont neglect coding.

But that does not mean you should abandon playmaker either. If you think you can work out most gameplay elements with code, do that. Then use playmaker for boring stuff like menus, cameras or effiecent stuff like turning scripts off/on and controlling some animations or small elements you just cant be bothered to start a script for.

Anyway, Im a non coder and a total noob to game development. From what I have heard, playmaker can be useful even for hardcore coders and personally I love it.

Just remember to practice code if development is something you want to do professionally and not just on an indie level.

That is a summary of how I see it, but let's hope some expert comes along to provide a clearer picture. Good luck with the dream!
« Last Edit: April 20, 2016, 06:56:51 PM by Zeldag »


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Hi there

I am a technical designer working in China, I would like to share some of my experience with you.

Technical designers are somewhat rare in the industry (in China), they are people who can combine the mind set of game designer and programmer. Usualy, they are not ones who would create the actual gameplay, but they will make sure designers are equipped with right tool and knowledge to create gameplay *productively*.

A technical designer’s job routine is like:
1. understand what gameplay your fellow designers what to build.
2. translate your understanding into technical request and pass to programmers (or find third party solution, which is common in unity)
3. teach your fellow designers how to utilize solution.
4. build a workflow, eliminate any task that ask designers work repetitively or task that easy to create human error. You can achieve this by introducing automation in the tools. A similar comparison is technical artist.

You need to be the know how person your designers come to when they have some ideas but do not know how to build them, or they do not know how much work is actually involved. You are the first line of defense of wasted man power on un-matured design ideas.

A technical designer does not need to be a proficient programmer, but you do need to be a good game designer with some coding experience. You also need to have lots of hands on knowledge of different tools that can help your designers to work more productively.
There are lots of burden on the shoulder of technical designer, but it is also a very achieving position, you will be constantly solving problems, looking for solutions and creating possibilities.

It is a long road to become a really good technical designer, but in the end it pays off, a lot.

Now, as for Playmaker, I can tell you that Playmaker is a huge time saver for me and our programmers.
We are using Playmaker in multiple areas in current project, UI, Cameras, Audio, FX, Animator…etc.

The very first advantage of using Playmaker is how fast it can make prototypes to test ideas before take ideas to programmers. You can actually use Playmaker to build fake state machines that only have flow and states but without actually functions, in this way you can review the design process with designers.

The second advantage of Playmaker is its powerful event system. Make good use of them allow your state machine easily talk to each other and receive message from other component in Unity.

The third advantage in my opinion, should be the template system. Work enough time with playmaker make you realize how easy they become larger and messier as the complexity of your game grows. Then you will need to identify which parts of your state machines can be reused, shared, and modularized. Save these state machines as templates, expose their variables. Then you would either hook them on game objects or use them as sub FSMs. Using template is very important when you want to improve productivity.

The real important thing is, I think, that unity and unreal are game engines that emphasizes the ideas of community and releasing the creative power of non coding people. If you want to do some functionality in the game, you should always check if someone already come up with solutions that better than your own coding. Playmaker is one of such tools for unity, non coder can use it to utilize vast functionality of unity in fast, accessible way. And in the hand of open minded programmer, playmaker will be even more productive. Not to mention the community behind Playmaker and other good plugins already provided playmaker support.

But keep in mind Playmaker is one of the plugins on the asset store that is in the “excellent” category , there are other wonders out there, too.

Thanks for the reading and forgive my English!
« Last Edit: April 29, 2016, 05:33:33 AM by vamky »


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Hi and Welcome :)

 PlayMaker is a tool in your toolBox, and you are right, you should not rely on this only, getting confortable and fluent with c# programming inside Unity is important.

 Also, PlayMaker is not just a visual programming system, it's rather a Finite State Machine system, which is a different way of thinking and designing your features.

 So watch out for this, you won't be apply c# skills one to one with PlayMaker, it's a total different way of thinking. So you have two benefits with PlayMaker: one is the Finite State Machine which plays a huge role in getting things done faster, and then you have the visual aspect of it, which removes the need to code and is then easier for beginners.

I am programming, I can do everything without PlayMaker, yet I never start a project without... because combining PlayMaker and script is the ultimate solution. It's practical especially when you do a lot of projects, you are reusing building blocks like Legos, instead of every time build everything from scratch.

