
Author Topic: Inbetween Animations  (Read 749 times)


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Inbetween Animations
« on: September 28, 2020, 04:06:24 PM »
Hello, I hope this topic isnt already on the forum, but if it is, I'm sorry, I searched for it but didn't found what I need.

I'm very new at Playmaker and before that, I only had basic experiences with Game Maker Studio 2, and then I only used coding, not the visual GM Drag and Drop option, so I have to wrap my head around PM's visual approach.

Anyway, my question is how I should implement inbetween animations in a 2D platformer game. What I mean by that is stuff like "if character walks right and then I click left, play the "turn" animation before you continue the "run" animation".  Or "at the hight of the jump, before falling animation, switch to "jump to fall" animation".

In Game Maker, I would have compared the movement speed and for example as soon as the positive horizontal movement speed switches too negative while I hold a certain button, switch to the inbetween state withe turn animation and from there to the walk animation. Jumping I tackled similar. But I can't really understand how I can do this with a visual software.

I want to recreate the movements of the Hollow Knight maincharacter because I like the feel of them but I already come to a hold with something so simple like these animation, which is kinda depressing.

Excuse my bad english, it's not my native language, so, if anything I wrote doesn't make sense, I'll be glad to clarify it >w<)!


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Re: Inbetween Animations
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2020, 06:45:09 PM »
But I can't really understand how I can do this with a visual software.
Hi… this is kind of a broad question, so I'll try to break it down a little so you can start looking for your answers.

Most of of what you describe is a 'character controller' for Unity. There are many 3rd-party available, but also some provided by Unity (I believe there is a 2D character Controller in Unity's default 2D platform example (the one with the UFO). This will actually cover most of your needs and it's a great place to start. (some controllers are 2D sprite-based, some are 3D figure-based).

You can do the basic setup without coding or Playmaker, and there are tons of tutorials (without Playmaker) for very beginners. You'll want to watch/learn the basic concepts before trying to make your own. Things like running to the left/right, jumping, etc are built-in

Playmaker isn't exactly visual coding, it's a function state machine… very like your description of setting up a state, reading inputs, and transitioning to a new state.

Getting started, once you understand the basics of Unity's systems, Playmaker will allow you to take control of those systems, spawn enemies, create simple behaviors and AI with states: "detect when player is near, and switch to attack-mode" for instance.

I recommend looking at a few of Unity's official tutorials to get the basic concepts (how Unity calls everything) and then search for PM tutorials – I found several but you will know the kind of tutorial you need once you understand some of Unity's terminology (and there are quite a few)