
Author Topic: Help, please. Synchronising rotation  (Read 2350 times)


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Help, please. Synchronising rotation
« on: August 07, 2013, 04:27:09 PM »
I've had some great help getting my turrets to track objects in a fairly realistic manner.

However I've now added the cannons to my turrets and I want them to elevate which requires them to rotate in X only. Y and Z should be disabled. I've taken the turret rotation FSM, which works perfectly, and applied it to the cannons.

For the turret rotation I checked 'keep vertical'. This works ffine for the turret as it only needs to rotate through Y.

The cannons need to rotate only through X and inherit their Y rotation from the parent object.

But to get the X rotation I had to uncheck 'keep vertical'. So while I noiw have something close to what I require, the cannons have annoying Y and Z rotations that make it look cartoonish rather than rigid.

I've attached images and a video. In the video you'll see the foremost turret with the settings turned up high so you can see the effect exaggerated.

I hope this is clear. I need the cannons to rotate only through X and have Y rotation locked to the turret.



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Re: Help, please. Synchronising rotation
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2013, 04:50:08 AM »

 easy :) simply uncheck keep vertical, and set the up vector to point upwards.

I have attached the same sample with that rig, it will have a turret and the canon.




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Re: Help, please. Synchronising rotation
« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2013, 03:41:48 PM »

It strangely still happens and is especially noticeable when I make a large disparity between the turret speed and the cannon speed.

It probably wouldn't matter so much if the cannon were mounted on top of a tower as in your example, but in this case I have cannons mounted on each side of the turret.

I need to somehow match the y rotation of the cannons to the turret bu have the x rotation be separate.



 easy :) simply uncheck keep vertical, and set the up vector to point upwards.

I have attached the same sample with that rig, it will have a turret and the canon.




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Re: Help, please. Synchronising rotation
« Reply #3 on: August 12, 2013, 04:52:30 AM »

yes indeed, the speed of the look at between the turret and canon must be equal.

I'll see if I can come up with something with a new action. This kind of tricks with look at could win with a custom action.

