
Author Topic: Unity 5: All PlayMaker FSM component references missing after upgrading to 1.7.8  (Read 3215 times)


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I am trying to upgrade my project to use Playmaker 1.7.8 for use with Unity 5.
After upgrading, I noticed that every Playmaker FSM component reference on all of my prefabs is broken / missing - about 322 occurrences.

Running the "PlayMaker/Tools/Load All PlayMaker Prefabs in Project" command also confirms "No PlayMaker Prefabs Found!"

I have read through the troubleshooting guide, etc. but have not found any suggestions that seem to help.

I can put a new FSM component on my prefabs, but these are new, empty FSMs, which is not ideal.

Any ideas or suggestions?


« Last Edit: June 03, 2015, 09:45:19 PM by mgants »


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 Can you double check the errors in the console?

Typically, I suggest the following:

 upgrade to the latest verison of PlayMaker while in Unity 4 ( I suspect your project was also a unity 4 before you went to 5 and updgraded PlayMaker, right?), and then move to Unity 5.




  • Playmaker Newbie
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  • Posts: 6

Believe I figured it out.
Here's the run down:

- My project's file organization was somewhat different from what PlayMaker assumes.
- Therefore the PlayMaker auto-updater tool did not work for me.
- My mistake was, when upgrading, as I was following what the auto-updater was trying to do, I manually moved the PlayMaker *.dll's around outside of the editor - which breaks references to the classes contained in the *.dll's.
- Starting over, I moved the location of the *.dll's around through the editor, preserving the references.

So working in the editor:
- Inside my "Assets/External/PlayMaker", I created a "PlayMaker" sub-directory to hold the PlayMaker *.dll's.
- I moved my existing PlayMaker.dll to this new sub-directory and added sub-directories for WebGL and WP8 (matching the default layout of PlayMaker's "Assets/Plugins/PlayMaker" directory.
- I then moved my "Assets/External/PlayMaker/PlayMaker" to "Assets/Plugins/PlayMaker"
- Then I copied over the new PlayMaker *.dll's on top of the existing ones, making sure to preserve the *.meta files.
- Problem appears to be solved, no more broken references.

I know that moving individual script files around without Unity's knowledge will break references - I just did not know that this also applies to references to classes contained within a *.dll. Makes sense though, guess Unity wants to know exactly where the *.dll is located before it loads classes to fix up component references.

Might be helpful to add a short version of this info to PlayMaker's Unity 5 upgrade troubleshooting guide / forum thread in case others run into this?
