
Author Topic: - big problem - FSM just dies or goes to sleep?  (Read 2497 times)


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- big problem - FSM just dies or goes to sleep?
« on: October 24, 2012, 06:18:27 PM »
Hi all, I've seen this problem in the Editor, as well as in a standalone build. It seems to occur when the game is minimized or loses foreground focus (and then is brought back in the foreground). I'm using OS X 10.8.2. The FSM just hangs and doesn't respond to any more events. Only happens occasionally. Has anyone else seen this? workarounds? this is a really bad problem - potentially  a  showstopper for me. And I have several months of work into building my FSMs with Playmaker. Thanks in advance for any help or suggestions.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2012, 07:00:18 PM by mindlube »


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Re: - big problem - FSM just dies or goes to sleep?
« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2012, 02:16:44 AM »
I have an app, but it's on windows that make heavy use of playmaker, and I haven't had any report. I have an update on this app planned for next week, I will publish and mac and see if it does it.

 Indeed, if it turns out fsm is unresponsive, this would be a nasty issue.

do you have repro within the editor? I work on mac, never noticed that, tho not really letting Unity run the scene in the background... Will watch out for this indeed.

Is your fsm within a prefab or something?




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Re: - big problem - FSM just dies or goes to sleep?
« Reply #2 on: October 26, 2012, 10:33:00 PM »
Yes some of my FSMs are within prefabs! I am actually only using Playmaker to call methods and start/stop coroutines in C#. After sleeping on the problem, I remembered that we have source code to the Actions. So hopefully I can write some debug.logs in my actions, and find out what's going on with the FSMs and why my gameplay is just stalling out.  Playmaker is so great - it can't just stop working arbitrarily  :-\