
Author Topic: how to enumerate and state queries  (Read 4881 times)


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how to enumerate and state queries
« on: June 28, 2011, 08:00:16 AM »

 I just recently found a really nice way to counter the fact that enumaration is not really available in playmaker. I create a dedicated fsm with each state representing the enumaration list. Each state  has its own global event to trigger. Each state really does nothing ( but could, and that is great too). I simply use the FsmStateTest action ( and that works very well.

 now, the only downside to this is that the State name variable interface doesn't show the list of available stat on that fsm.

 Is it possible to achieve something like that? just like variables can be listed for a given fsm. That would really enhance the action easyness and avoid having to look up the fsm to know what state is in. I know this is anyway only one side of the problem, because refactoring would break references. But that would be a start.

