Yes, NavMesh will be a pro only feature unfortunatly, but there are other solution s on the asset store that are a lot cheaper like simple path.
What do you find confusing in arrayMaker? don't hesitate to report any thing you don't like, or would like changed or clarified. Is it the cheer number of options on some actions like set and get? or simply how should you work with them and how all these actions and array can work together? It is true that a good understanding of what an array is and what it can do for you is required. For this, studying examples is the best way to get an idea of what is at stake. Also ask for case study on this forum.
I have created a package with a live sorting fsm, that doesn't use any custom actions specifically, that is, it's using arrayMaker as is and playmaker as is. To work it out, run the scene, and in the scene view, move the various gameObjects and watch the sorting in action ( colors span from red to white depending on the order).
the main fsm to look at is in "Team A", I tried to dissect as much as I could to make the process clear.
I also run some timing to check how lon it takes, and it's just plain fast! to sort 5 objects against a target, it take on my computer around 0.0004 ( it takes around 0.008 the first time, because I create dynamic arrays components, and creting components is know to take time, so I do it only once).
So, have a go at this, and take it to pieces. If you have any questions, don't hesitate. I will also work some more on this example and ship it with the next arrayMaker release.
for more advanced readers: Yes, tons os process can be improved with some custom actions here and there, but even with not bothering and checking vector distances instead of sqrDistance, and other obvious costly api calls, It still is very fast. If the sorting array starts to be big, this will become an issue obviously. I also set up a movement detection ( no custom actions there neither) with a threshold setting, so that as you move a gameObject, it only fire a sorting event if it moved more than the threshold values. A single custom action could be created to do the gameObject sorting within an array, this is something that would make sense.
The next steps would be to make this sorting evolve so that colors are not hardcoded but interpolated instead ( say red for closets, white for farthests, and then interpolate the color depending on the distance). and more "team" based options, but that's already going too far as far as the sorting algorithm