
Author Topic: Transition Animations  (Read 4988 times)


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Transition Animations
« on: July 11, 2015, 07:36:27 AM »
Hi everyone, I am building game which could benefit from small transitions with animation at the completion of the level. Similar to the animations that take place during Infinity Blade fights. Im really good animating in c4d and Ive been using Itween to animate simple camera movements and actions inside Unity with playmaker. How should I create this? Should I animate my character and place the animation in my scene on unity? then transition the end of the game with a trigger and have it play my rig inside the scene using cameras and transitions to next level?

 I want the scene to look the exact same and im sure I don't have to recreate the scene in c4d in order to create the animation in a completely externals software. Im a little confused about the workflow here. Thanks in advance!


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Re: Transition Animations
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2015, 09:44:55 AM »
I think for your character you should make your animation in an external program (c4d or any other suitable program) and use those in animator.

here is a tutorial that can help if you need, check out "Part 4 - Converting to Mecanim"

you can google "CINEMA 4D to Unity" to find more info for importing.


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Re: Transition Animations
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2015, 01:25:35 PM »
I'm not sure of exactly what you are wanting, but here are a couple of suggestions.

From the asset store you could use 'Skele' to animate characters inside unity.  You can take premade animations and modify them.  Pretty cool.

You can also look at 'cinema director' (and I think another ris named 'flux') where you have animated scenes.


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Re: Transition Animations
« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2015, 08:24:45 AM »
Hi guys, I deeply appreciate the quick response. My character has already been animated and works fine in the game. I animated him in c4d and used mecanim like explained in the tutorial to allow him to run/ jump and all the other options. My main question is about cut scene animations or “recordings” .. for example, my player finishes the scene and has a talk with the enemy before the fight begins. For this talk the player would not have control on the character. Would I still create this animation in c4d, import into unity and have it play inside the scene?
thanks again!


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Re: Transition Animations
« Reply #4 on: July 13, 2015, 07:48:43 AM »
I have not tried those asset that wheretheidivides mentioned,
so i can't say if it is better or not.

I personally use 3ds max and do Most animation there and then port to unity
mainly because i am very comfortable with using 3ds max.
and like you said that you are really good animating in c4d,
you might wanna stick to c4d.

But for some simple animation i use the build in animation.

So i guess it depends on what you want to animate.


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Re: Transition Animations
« Reply #5 on: July 14, 2015, 08:21:41 AM »
Hi thanks a lot for the feedback and help! ill stick to animating in c4d and basically set up my cameras inside unity to pan through the scene while my characters animation takes place. Basically transitioning to the animation (were the player has no control over my character) using a trigger event and as soon as the animation plays the camera changes to display interesting cinematographic shots. As soon as the animation ends the scene will transition to load level and the next level will begin. Thanks for the help again and hope this solution helps others with the same question. all the best.