I plan to develop using a Window 8 touch screen laptop. My target is Window 8/10 tablets. I also plan to export all the asset into a Mac and develop an iOS version.
I'm new to Window 8, but very familiar with Window 7. My questions:
- Is Window store what I should be targeting if I want to develop Window tablet (I'm fine if they want to use laptop with touch screen

) that is all touch base? Is this called metro app?
- What do I need (license, apps) to develop on Window 8? If I just want to tinker, can I use other method without committing to a license until I get serious?
- Does Playmaker have a touch action that will work for Window 8? Are these touch action transferable to iOS? Or do I need an addon?
- Anything else should know when developing for both platform and maybe Android?
- Any sites I should check to get more info?
Thanks in advance!