
Author Topic: Point and Click Isometric Controller.  (Read 1363 times)


  • Playmaker Newbie
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  • Posts: 11
Point and Click Isometric Controller.
« on: September 17, 2015, 05:37:16 AM »
Hi there,

I have been lurking and using these forums for a while now as a resource. i come from a modelling and animation, and have been staggered with the possibilities playmaker is offering me. Anyway, I am trying to build up a controller, but I am a little afraid i am trying to re-invent the wheel.

I am trying to implement a point and click controller thats using an isometric camera - but the character/agent needs to move around any obstacles to get to his destination (think the release of grim fandango controls).

In my head I can workout how to take a selected point and click (isometic camera causes problems with this though right ? ). Anyway, now am getting knee deep in navmeshs, and pathfinding, and its a little overwheeling, and not where my strengths lie. So I was looking to not, reinvent the wheel by using SimplePath on the asset store, am a little worried about adding another system into the mix, and being able to detect movement to implement my characters walking animation, and stoping/idle animations. Anyone used the system, or know of any good examples of controllers that are built like this?


(ps not afraid to build a nav mesh, that bits easy, its just the playmaker integration, and execution was baffling me some what, and am concerned am not really playing to my strengths in this area).