Hi all,
Me again.

One more post for now. I have a lot of states that are just used for debugging. For example, I'll have some event like NOT FOUND that will transition to a state that I have put a breakpoint on. (I put my event names in all caps.) I put these kind of event options in a lot of my custom actions, so one can find a lot of such states in my Fsm logic.
Thus, the sole purpose of these states of mine is just to hold a breakpoint. I think it would be great if there was a special purpose event called BREAKPOINT. When this event is triggered, it causes the execution to halt as if a Breakpoint was used. This would declutter my logic quite a bit. I'd love to see such a feature.
Speaking of decluttering logic, I would also like to have additional control of the transition arrows using anchors. The idea being, if the arrow isn't going where you want it (through your desired path between the two states it connects), you could set one or more points that the line has to go through. Actually, just being able to set one such point would be enough in most cases.
I appreciate that there is already a lot of flexibility with how transitions show up. With regards to that, it would be nice to be able to set a default side in addition to default link style. For instance, I typically line up my states up along there left sides, (like lines of text), and have one state transition to the next on the left side, but a lot of times the transitions will show up on the right.
Thank you for your consideration. And for such a great program. I love using PlayMaker! ~ Aaron