
Author Topic: Gravity system - race game  (Read 1161 times)


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Gravity system - race game
« on: February 16, 2016, 05:29:33 AM »
Hi everybody,

I actually need some help for a project. I'm a noobie. I work on a wipeout/fzero-like game.
I read a lot of things on the forum but i havn't found  an answer to my asking.

To make a point, i want to create a gravity system where my ship is attached to the different parts of the trail. For example, in a tube, my ship can move 360° in it.  I know i have to use a raycast and stock the normal variable to use it. The problem is : i don't know how to use it.

At first, I read some things about using a get distance combine with a multiplier. I didn't understand how to applicate this new distance between my ship and my object.

In an other hand, i read that we can use the raycast to hit a normal and stock this vector. But i don't understand how to use it with the add force.

Someone can get me back on track please?


  • Playmaker Newbie
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  • Posts: 1
Re: Gravity system - race game
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2016, 09:58:02 AM »
I'm working on one of these too. Also have an issue with relative gravity using raycasts and surface normals. Hope someone can provide some insight here.

Currently restricted to standard gravity