
Author Topic: Photon Integration Beta [NEW beta3]  (Read 87015 times)


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Re: Photon Integration Beta [NEW beta3]
« Reply #90 on: January 09, 2013, 03:18:35 AM »

 Sorry, which one?




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Re: Photon Integration Beta [NEW beta3]
« Reply #91 on: January 09, 2013, 04:32:44 AM »
REPLY 86 i think...

this one!
(hope you didnt think i was being cheeky)


I just tested the new DEMO.. outstanding!!

I now, of course, have to scrap my changes and start anew with this , but I foresee no problems.
I think I asked this before, but... didnt get an answer..

You have kindly also included the Demo with separate scenes:

Im drawn to this approach as it kind of keeps all (ok...most ) of the networky stuff separate and safe from all your other game logic and shit...
But.. it of course makes testing a bit of a pain as you must do a build and then run the lobby scene to test. I am routinely hitting play once a minute as I go in a tweak an animation, or colour chip, whatever...
What is the REAL reason for separating them into 2 like this? What OTHER advantages are there?




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Re: Photon Integration Beta [NEW beta3]
« Reply #92 on: January 10, 2013, 01:49:50 PM »

Very good question actually:

One scene to do it all is good for small projects or projects very well organized in terms of elements loading, per context, per needs, etc etc, so to scale properly. A one scene project must be carefully crafted and design prior starting development. A multi scene projects is easier maybe to understand what's going on and somehow relate the user experience per scene ( one scene for the lobby, one scene for a room, one scene for a particular game, etc etc). Multiple scene will be easier to manage for large scale project when you have little experience, and can't really draft a framework to handle it all. Multiple scenes will have a smaller hierarchy content and therefore easier to grasp as you work on it.

 Multiple scenes do not have to be painful to work with as you seem to say: I have designed my first big projects in Unity using one scene per page, and I could launch a single page on its own, because I designed my high level managers to exists in each Unity scene BUT could only exists once during the playback, so when I was working on a particular page, that page had all the managers and setup it needed to run as if part of the app ( and I could even configure them for particular contexts to replicate different states within the application, and when I was really starting the app, as I loaded then pages, the managers inside these pages would simply be destroyed, or disabled, or simply doing nothing, self aware they where part of the running application, not part of the development routine.

So in all cases, large scale projects WILL require some kind of framework, regardless of your approach and a clearly defined way for development and runtime. That is true, even for a one scene project ( as it doesn't seem that difficult to manage at first glance), because then you'll find you can't load it all in one go, else the initial loading time it inacceptable in 99% of the cases, so in the end it's really a matter of taste.

If you are beginning with all this, you will find pros and cons on both approach if you don't have any experience so far. I tend to design using multiple scenes, as I explained, but on the photon case, our goal was to replicate exactly the photon demo sample, to show what playmaker could do.




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Re: Photon Integration Beta [NEW beta3]
« Reply #93 on: January 31, 2013, 04:39:54 AM »
hmmm, hi anyone  can help with this Error?

what do i have to import exactly, its not  obvious, i tryed ExitGames.Client and all that but still this error
, any help please?

Assets/Photon Unity Networking/PlayMaker/Scripts/PlayMakerPhotonProxy.cs(39,44): error CS0234: The type or namespace name `MonoBehaviour' does not exist in the namespace `Photon'. Are you missing an assembly reference?


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Re: Photon Integration Beta [NEW beta3]
« Reply #94 on: January 31, 2013, 04:57:24 AM »

You should have the photon free version from the asset store:

you have a help section in the wiki:

 it's not documented as, we are likely going to embed the photon network system, so you only need to download the photon from the asset server while we are in beta.




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Re: Photon Integration Beta [NEW beta3]
« Reply #95 on: January 31, 2013, 07:14:31 AM »
thanks for the  tips. I see you really try to make this an out of the Box  solution... high goals.
A Dll in the end would be awesome.
I subscribe to this thread...


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Re: Photon Integration Beta [NEW beta3]
« Reply #96 on: February 18, 2013, 08:39:45 AM »
Is there an Easier way, than this? ???


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Re: Photon Integration Beta [NEW beta3]
« Reply #97 on: February 18, 2013, 11:50:14 AM »

 Do you mean it? If you struggle, let me know, I'll be happy to clear up things. Networking can be a difficult beast to master, especially if you are new to unity.




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Re: Photon Integration Beta [NEW beta3]
« Reply #98 on: May 20, 2013, 10:38:33 PM »

I'm running into an issue with the PhotonDemo Package.
I am using Unity 4.0.1f2

On a fresh project with only Playmaker 1.6 I receive an error

"PlayMakerThirdPersonControllerProxy.CS(45,17): Error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'ThirdPersonController' could not be found. Are you missing a directive or an assembly reference?"

So, I figured that might be related to the character controller standard assets.
When I import the CharacterController package, I get a separate error over two lines:

PhotonviewGetID.cs(49,56): Error CS1061: Type 'int' does not contain a definition for 'ID' and no extension method 'ID' of type 'int' could be found.

That function contains: 
ID.Value = _networkView.viewID.ID;
IDAsString.Value = _networkView.viewID.ID.ToString();

Am I missing a script?


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Re: Photon Integration Beta [NEW beta3]
« Reply #99 on: May 21, 2013, 01:14:34 AM »

I imported both playmaker and the character controller and all is fine, so yes, you are having some issues with missing scripts or mad package merge

Delete the "Photon Unity networking" if it is there, and reimport PlayMaker. Or did you try to rename folders or something?




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Re: Photon Integration Beta [NEW beta3]
« Reply #100 on: May 21, 2013, 09:18:36 PM »
I'm not messing with anything outside of just importing the packages.
Here is my process:

1. Create New Project (No packages)
2. Import Playmaker 1.6
3. Import CustomPackage 'PlayMakerPhotonWithDemo'

At this point the ThirdPersonController error pops up.

If I then import the basic characterController package I get the error: PlaymakerThirdPersonControllerProxy.cs(29,57): Error cs0122: 'ThirdPersonController._characterState' is inaccessible due to its protection level


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Re: Photon Integration Beta [NEW beta3]
« Reply #101 on: May 22, 2013, 12:50:50 AM »

Ok, I tried on Unity 3x and 4x, created new project, imported playmaker from the asset store, then photon demo, and all worked very well, I then imported Character controller package as well as the standard mobile pack and still no errors.

Are you sure you have the latest photon demo from the website? that could be the source of the problem.

 There may be a step that I don't do exactly like you I guess. If you can do a screencast or something, it may help identify where the problem is. Thanks.




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Re: Photon Integration Beta [NEW beta3]
« Reply #102 on: May 22, 2013, 02:18:45 AM »

 ok, I could repro this when I imported the mecanim samples. There is no "easy" answer here.

 basically the ThirdPersonController.cs script is embedded in the Photon Unity network demo, but is also features in some Unity packages in "Scripts".

So, when you want to study the photon demo, you should delete the version in the "Scripts" folder in your assets if you get this issue. It's always a good idea anyway to never mix demos and projects together as they blow up the assets for nothing, so always keep a demo project with just demos so that these kind of issues ( it's frequent with a lot of assets).

