*I have also posted it on Oculus dev forums.
So I have a scene where names (uGui text inside a canvas *world space*) appear on top of what you look at, it uses raycast from the camera center to know what you're looking at and based on it presents the name of what you are looking.
I'm using Unity 5.5.1 with Playmaker (1.8.3.f4), making this app for Gear VR (using a Galaxy S7 Edge).
Everything works perfect in the editor, it also works perfectly on Gear VR locally (Build and Installing the APK manually or with my phone plugged on PC using build and run to auto install without send to Oculus)
Everything works.
I'm not using Oculus utility, only the native unity sdk, camera, etc and everything works fine. (but also have tested with utilities)
I created an app on Oculus Developer Center. I have uploaded the APK to the ALPHA Channel and everything was fine, no problem with androidmanifest nor keystore, i have the thing there and i can download it from Oculus Store to test.
The problem is...,
after submitting the APK to the ALPHA Channel and running it from Oculus Store, the raycast does not seem to work, I look at things and the names don't appear.
To make sure it was not an application problem, I did several tests and manually installed it outside the Oculus Store using the APK and everything works, but when I send to the ALPHA Channel, it stops working.
Just to make it clear, I have also tested with Oculus Utilities for Unity 5 V1.11.0 using OVR cam rig, input module on event system..... same problem
I sent an invitation to my app on ALPHA Channel to a friend to test and it does not work for him either.

What can I do?
Is there something on AndroidManifest.xml or some process on Oculus Store that modifies an APK and limits certain things?