Its amazing the more I mess with playmaker the more it makes sense. I guess daily use would just increase proficiency!
I do have a question. I have everything working exactly as I would like, I have the breaker being able to be grabbed, I have a trigger collider on the switch so when the controller enters the collider they can activate the switch and not from anywhere. (though I have noticed that if I am holding the breaker I cannot activate the switch because the collider is not registering a collision from the controller because its disabled. Since the rigid body option only works when something is not in the hand is there a way to tell the fsm that an object in hand is ok to be used?
Well my actual question is this. For now I can only get one controller to work, its odd too because I will specify say for example left controller, and now and again it will switch from the physical controller as to which is considered left?
But anyway, my thinking is, if I can set the enter trigger controller as a bool then use that as the get trigger pressed bool somehow, then which ever one enters will be used? Not sure how I would do that or if it can be done? What do you think?