
Author Topic: Firing a gun Beginner Help Please  (Read 5854 times)


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Firing a gun Beginner Help Please
« on: May 30, 2017, 10:49:49 AM »
Hello all!

First off, Thanks to everyone in this forum.

I have my gun setup as a controller and I am fairly familiar to using Play maker, however not so much with recasting. I just want a simple on trigger for the gun to shoot something. I have a cube with a Rigidbody ready to be shot, just am not sure exactly what to put in the states after Get Trigger Down.

Please help!



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Re: Firing a gun Beginner Help Please
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2017, 12:26:49 PM »
Maybe start with a raycasting tutorial:
What are you using for VR? (VRTK or the steam VR playmaker action set from the asset store?) Oculus or Vive?


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Re: Firing a gun Beginner Help Please
« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2017, 02:04:00 PM »
I've been viewing some recasting tutorials but I have also seen some where playmakers just creates bullets, and I have not been able to figure how to get then to move in 3D space, using set velocity did not work.

On your question, do you see an advantage to using Steam VR Playmaker vs VRTK with playmakers? I see people have created scripts for both.



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Re: Firing a gun Beginner Help Please
« Reply #3 on: May 30, 2017, 10:42:51 PM »
I wrote the playmaker actions for VRTK. I think VRTK is a pretty robust set of scripts and can cover many many situations. If you want a VR game for Vive or Rift, then you want something to help with playmaker. You can use both the steam VR actions (paid) and the VRTK actions (free) together as well.

If you want to be able to pick up and hold objects, open and close doors, teleport, climb, walk, use levers, etc, easily and quickly, then you need VRTK (which has playmaker actions) or another asset called Newton (no playmaker actions).

I have lots of tutorials here about VRTK + Playmaker:

Building bullets with physics or raycast is a matter of choice. I prefer raycast.

If you are looking to make a simple gun, then playmaker is good.

If you want to build a FPS game with many types of guns, I would suggest this asset:!/content/66387
(If your game is for rift/vive).


  • Playmaker Newbie
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Re: Firing a gun Beginner Help Please
« Reply #4 on: May 31, 2017, 09:40:52 AM »
Thanks man! That's actually perfect, I have been using your tutorials for VRTK interaction. It helps a lot.
