Thanks! I've just gone through recently and redesigned a lot of earlier levels after now having a bit more know how about what works and what doesn't. I've also polished some menus and sorted out a few compatibility issues with people who've tried testing on frankly really old computers (who still uses 32bit OS anymore?!). I've got 28 levels I'm happy with and two more that I'm still shuffling around so a total of 30 so far. I'm hoping to get it to 50 levels before I even consider releasing it but I have a steam developer account with 1 game slot open waiting for me to publish.

I've learned a lot about Unity by making this game, namely not to rely on physics or moving objects for set amounts of time because both methods simply aren't precise. So instead I've managed by making the ball tween a single unit in a specific direction, check whats there and either continue or change directions respectively. Playmaker has been extremely handy for this... It seems complex at first for a simple ball movement but it's extremely reliable at any speed.