
Author Topic: Playmaker brokend and can not reinstall! Help  (Read 2614 times)


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Playmaker brokend and can not reinstall! Help
« on: May 18, 2018, 07:41:57 AM »

I have been working on a project for over a week and I was about to publish. This is gonna be an AR app .Everything was fine until I tried to import vuforia actions from the ecosystem and now playmaker is gone all from the menu, the project gives compile errors. and it got worse after I tried to delete the vuforia plugin now the playmaker editor and actions is no more reachable. I tried to reinstall it and it says I have everything installed already. Is there a workaround and is playmaker like this?  Don't know have been using for like a month I really like it but it seems a bit scary to me for production. Thank you!
Btw I put back the vuforia folder that I deleted and I really would appreciate some help. Thank you! Please check the screenshow this is my final workout screen with no playmaker menus and anything.



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Re: Playmaker brokend and can not reinstall! Help
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2018, 08:36:36 AM »
When there are errors in the console, indeed playmaker will not be visible (as well as many other assets)
As it can not startup when there are errors.

What (red) errors do you get when vuvoria package is installed?

Did you install vuforia?

If you wish to uninstall:

I checked the package and i can see that it also used 'playmaker Utils'
try removing this folder also.

If you get different errors (probably if you used some other packages like array maker for example) after removing this.
Then re download that package.

BUT before you do anything make a backup from your project

Many games has been already produced with Playmaker (even well known games like Heartstone from blizzard) , so you don't have to worry about that :)


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Re: Playmaker brokend and can not reinstall! Help
« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2018, 09:18:46 AM »
Hi, i just tested installing the package from the ecosystem and then remove the folder.

i did not get errors after that.

What errors do you get when you removed the playmaker vuforia folder?