Rlennox: haha I just figured that out yesterday. I did set up something similar, using raycast and mouse pick on mouseover, to create a square marker on the tiles that will follow the mouse cursor.
I've modified the script above to where I can set the unit that will spawn through the unitFab property and still let the game controller handle where to spawn and that sort of stuff.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using HutongGames.PlayMaker;
public class GameControllerIOW : MonoBehaviour
// This is a simple sample of how to spawn a unit on a tile that was clicked
public CameraMove camMover; // used to move camera around (like make it follow a transform)
public Camera rayCam;
public GameObject unitFab; // unit prefab
public MapNav map; // the mapnav
public LayerMask tilesLayer; // layer the tiles are on
public PlayMakerFSM behavior; // playmaker behavior
public int nodeId;
public Vector3 nodeLoc;
public TileNode node = null;
IEnumerator Start()
// wait for a frame for everything else to start and then enable the colliders for the TielNodes
yield return null;
// now enable the colliders of the TileNodes.
// they are disabled by default, but for this sample to work I need the player to be able to click on any tile.
// for your game you will have to decide when the best time would be to this or even which tiles would be
// best to enable. For example, you might only want to spawn new units around some building, so only
// enable the the tiles around the building so that the player cannot click on other tiles and disable
// the tiles whne yo uare done with them
foreach (TileNode n in map.nodes)
n.collider.enabled = true;
void Update()
// don;t do anything else if there was not a mouse click
if (!Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0)) return;
// cast a ray to check what the player "clicked" on. Only want to know
// about TILE clicks, so pass mask to check against layer for tiles only
Ray ray = rayCam.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
RaycastHit hit;
if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, 500f, tilesLayer))
// a tile gameobject was clicked on
// get the TileNode
node = hit.collider.GetComponent<TileNode>();
// sanity check
if (node == null) return;
// dont spawn here if there is alrelady a unit on this tile
if (node.units.Count > 0) return;
// send events to Playmaker
//nodeId = node.idx;
//nodeLoc = node.transform.position;
// jump camera to the unit that was clicked on
void Spawn ()
if (node == null) return; // sanity check
Unit.SpawnUnit(unitFab, map, node);
nodeLoc = node.transform.position;