
Author Topic: meshCollider as Triger!  (Read 7499 times)


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meshCollider as Triger!
« on: July 16, 2012, 09:38:02 PM »
Trigger Enter; Trigger Exit; Trigger Stay and Trigger Event wont work properly on mesh colliders? 

They "trigger" while standing still over the "line" so going in/ out triggers the event and resets it.

They do work fine with Box Colliders. I dont know wish to blame Unity, Playmaker or the 2DToolkit Collider Tool.  ???


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Re: meshCollider as Triger!
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2012, 07:55:42 AM »

 Some mesh colliders do not work properly, I had that issue not so long ago, but I admit I was really messing with it, the mesh was very complex, concave, and I was trying to make a collider to conform to that, but I fixed it, by going for convex and change the collision settings like smooth sphere collisions and stuff.

 I never had a problem where actually playmaker was not triggering the events where it should, it's always been a case where it was not working in the first place even with a standard script, aka ylways been a prblem with the set up of the collider and gameObject itself.




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Re: meshCollider as Triger!
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2012, 05:46:30 PM »
yep, definitively not an exact science!

Finally got it working marking it convex.. But add to put a "set Property" to make it convex, on trigger, in game -- If set in editor it would uncheck the box when on game start  ???


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Re: meshCollider as Triger!
« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2012, 02:57:39 AM »

 This is very odd, are you sure nothing is running behind your back? I never encountered such behavior.




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Re: meshCollider as Triger!
« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2012, 06:00:15 AM »
Just sorted it out,(my brain must have worked on it during the night)  The collider was made in  the 2KD editor and since it was´t marked as convex there it would revert back on game-start.

PS: Now "just" need to sort a way to access the alpha value on the material and move up to the next wall.