
Author Topic: Playmaker Challenges: Think it might be worth tackling?  (Read 5403 times)


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Playmaker Challenges: Think it might be worth tackling?
« on: July 27, 2012, 12:37:53 PM »
What i was thinking, as a way to get users from novice to expert engaged, is to create a set of challenges... contests, if you will (winners get bragging rights and their examples maybe added to a list of examples to learn from maybe?)

little things simulate a 2x2x2 rubix cube (with or without "win" conditions,) create one of those "sliding tile" puzzles, a "bomberman" style minigame or other little things that could be done in a relatively short period of time. something to engage the members here and help those new to playmaker by giving them more projects they can pick apart to figure out how things work.

what say you, Playmaker board members? worth trying?

i think the limitation would have to be something you can do strictly in playmaker... so, no asset-store add-ons, things you can do with playmaker and unity3D alone.

if you have an idea for a challenge, feel free to post it!
« Last Edit: July 27, 2012, 12:42:58 PM by Red »


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Re: Playmaker Challenges: Think it might be worth tackling?
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2012, 12:42:08 PM »
If the interest is there though, might be worth considering adding a sub-forum for the challenges... so that it's easier to find and there's a centralized place for people to post their WIP threads.


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Re: Playmaker Challenges: Think it might be worth tackling?
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2012, 04:21:53 PM »
I think it would be great, it doesn't seem like there's a whole lot of activity on the board maybe this would help spike it.
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Re: Playmaker Challenges: Think it might be worth tackling?
« Reply #3 on: July 28, 2012, 02:36:29 AM »
Hi, I think a small calculator would be a nice challange.
Make a scene that randomize a certain number
of objects. 2+2=4 for an example. :)
To make it even harder the user can guess the sum
and our scen keeps track if it's right or wrong.



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Re: Playmaker Challenges: Think it might be worth tackling?
« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2012, 04:52:45 AM »

 challenges would be really nice, it's been discussed before and from what I recall, several things are sort of getting in the way.

1: there is no trial version of playmaker which makes it hard to attract people with such challenges
2: what kind of gain would the winner gets, since he would have to have playmaker already, this is tricky, maybe team with an asset store provider and have him to offer for free an asset for the winner
3: Who would decide who's winning, since it's very subjective, some kind of challenge board, system and rule would need to be defined.

