Hi, I am following this tutorial
and adapting it to for VR, the tutorial uses the iTween actions which I understand were but can be enabled through the welcome menu.
I have enabled these but get quite a lot of errors such as
Assets\PlayMaker\Actions\iTween\iTweenLookFrom.cs(32,10): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'iTween' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
I assume there is no support for this as it has been depreciated? could someone help with an alternative for this? I had a look at
https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/input-management/simple-vr-teleporter-115996 which seems to be ideal and what I am after but I am unsure how to make this work with playmaker?
Following this up with some more FSM I have been working on.
The FSM is as follows
a raycast is fired and stores the "hit point" in a global variable "globalhitlocation"
the next state is a "move object" that specified the camera prefab I am using, however I am unable to set the "Destination" as it does not have the global variable from the previous state, only a "game object" global set in another FSM.
Is "move object" unable to have a vector3 as its Destination variable?