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lots of excellent people helped me along my way and it's my pleasure to give something back.
So what is Mechanim Simple IK?
Mechanim Simple IK brings the power of Inverse Kinematics on human rigged models. Product requires “playmaker” (not included). Basic knowledge of playmaker is helpful. Mechanim Simple IK does not require Unity PRO version it is also compatible with ALL versions of Unity.
Requires: Mixamo's free
https://urlzs.com/7LL26Requires: Mixamo's free
https://urlzs.com/rXPNn No programming skill is required. Mechanim Simple IK is the perfect solution, a simple drag'n drop is sufficient to set up a new character or change weapons.
Update only 4 FSM's for a new dual handed weapon.
The included Demo showcases a 3rd person human style character, with the ability to switch weapons or pick-up weapons and shoot on request. Includes advanced weapons setup from
https://urlzs.com/Z5Wt8Includes a PDF tutorial to learn how to use Mechanim Simple IK on a game character.
Dropbox link:
https://urlzs.com/SNLjm Note: You have to download Mixamo's free animations.
P.s You have to pick up a weapon in order to cycle through the weapon choice

p.p.s: select
space button to change weapons and in the FSM change the dual-handed weapon count to 6.
Important note: make sure you import the playmaker globals.
Note from the author: I am hopeful that other playmaker users can add to this and possibly create a template That could help others in getting started in game development or design.