
Author Topic: Vertical transition link + auto-align + stacking  (Read 2776 times)

Broken Stylus

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Vertical transition link + auto-align + stacking
« on: September 30, 2019, 09:55:34 AM »
Before we start, these are just random ideas about the user interface, not requests related to essential features. I simply share them here, as "maybes".

1. Vertical links

Addition of a visual option to use vertical links, like they're used for Global transitions.
Say, [ ] Allow vertical links, which would then allow transitions to exit from the left, the right and the bottom if they're the last in the state?

2. Aligning states

Also, once this system would be in place, addition an option to auto-align states vertically, with:
- top state (uses the top state's horizontal center as the reference axis)
- average (does an average of all selected states' position on X to define the central axis and then snaps all states to align their centers on that axis)
- bottom state (same as top but with bottom state of the selection as the reference)

And also, from this, an ability to declare a guiding state (it would need to be enhanced with a little visual clue then) that would cast an invisible vertical ray from its horizontal center, so any other state underneath it that would touch that ray would automatically snap onto the same vertical central axis as that of the guiding state (the ray represents that axis)?

This is purely about snapping on X. States would not need to be moved on Y. None of this would need to deactivate the grid snapping, if one is already in use.
The aligning function would simply take precedence for selected states, a bit like it becomes possible to freely move a state by pressing CTRL/Command.

3. Stacking states

Finally, addition of an option that would swap drawing a vertical link for a downward triangle protruding from the bottom of the last exit transition, the same way it's done with action sequence.
See picture below.

Broken Stylus

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Re: Vertical transition link + auto-align + stacking
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2019, 10:24:12 AM »
I forgot to add the "lock to down" option too for the link direction, which would also need its own shortcut.