Hey guys,
I've created an action that lets you set the antialiasing level of your game, even at runtime!
// (c) Copyright HutongGames, LLC 2010-2012. All rights reserved.
using UnityEngine;
namespace HutongGames.PlayMaker.Actions
[Tooltip("Sets the antialiasing level.")]
public class SetAntialiasingLevel : FsmStateAction
[Tooltip("AntiAliasing filter can be set to either 0,2,4 or 8. This coresponds to the number of multisamples used per pixel.")]
public FsmInt antialiasingLevel;
public override void Reset()
antialiasingLevel = 0;
public override void OnEnter()
public override void OnUpdate()
void DoSetantialiasingLevel()
QualitySettings.antiAliasing = antialiasingLevel.Value;
Let me know how it goes :-)