ok, managed to find the time to do this

sorry for the delay ( prime31 will wiat, I have a bug with what apple is returning me.... crap)
1: add scene_manager to the scenes' build as the first scene
2: add the other scenes (__emptyLevel__ scene_cube and scene_sphere)
3: run on IOS with profiler on with the memory section
4: as you load watch that it doesn't leak
Fair enough the scenes are rather dull

but the goal is that you try with your scenes and see if it stack up
I had trouble making it into an action , so I had to make a script that I call using send message.
I found that on the device the screen flickers as you switch, I'll try to see if I can improve this situation ( I don't have that on my other projects, this is odd).
Give me some feedback, as I haven't yet totally stress tested this, this is straight coming out of another project, so testing more needs to be conducted for proper validation of the technic