I have tried the regular sample now and it works. The problem with my implementation is in the "Drag" - state. This problem occurred with Unity 5.1.1f1 and haven't been a problem before. It has been working for 2 years.
The difference in my implementation is that I have the Camera set to Orthographic size with -50 in Z. In the Drag State I have "Set position" set to: Game object "Picked Object", Vector "Result" and then I have also Z "-40" (to lock the object to "2d") and Space "World".
It works when I run it on the computer with Unity Remote 4. But when I have it built and run it on the iPad(IL2CPP), it doesn't work.
When I grab one of the objects and drag it, it disappears. What is even more weird is that sometimes also some of the other objects disappear when I drag one of them.
Any idea on what is going on here?