
Author Topic: New Input System and Cinemachine Single Touch/Multitouch?  (Read 3698 times)


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Hi-I'm looking for some pointers on using Playmaker with Cinemachine to control touches in iOS/iPadOS. Basically, I'm wondering how to set up the inputs to work well with the PlayMaker tools for Cinemachine and touch.

I'd like to have an object that I can both spin and zoom in to. With one finger, I'd like to spin, but with two I'd like to pinch-zoom. Do I set up the inputs for one finger as both outputting Delta and Position and use the  Delta for the spin and Position (with the other finger position when it's down) for the pinch? What's the process with touch controls in these cases, where I might have a one-finger, a two-finger, and even a three-finger action? Should each be a different Action map? Or should they be overlapping like I just described?

Any help and insights much appreciated!


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Re: New Input System and Cinemachine Single Touch/Multitouch?
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2022, 09:36:17 AM »
For multi touch controls i would suggest to purchase a control asset like for example Control Freak 2

I believe Rewired has touch control as well, but i never used it yet. (for non touch Rewired is the best asset)