
Author Topic: POGS Rouge-like (Released!)  (Read 2405 times)


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POGS Rouge-like (Released!)
« on: March 12, 2023, 04:45:19 PM »
Hello! The game is released, you can check it out on -

And here's the trailer:


Hi! I’m developing POGS rougelike completely with Playmaker. Player competes with enemies in post-apocalyptic POGS battles and can use their POGS special powers to gain advantage. The goal is to defeat all the enemies and complete the whole POGS collection.

The idea came from my childhood, because I loved to collect POGS (we called them
Caps here where I live).

The game is quite close to release, here are a few devlogs if you are interested. Soon I’ll be showing the trailer :)

Devlog #1 - Devlog #2 - Devlog #3 -
Thank you for your time and feedback!
« Last Edit: March 26, 2023, 10:38:49 AM by Evaldas »


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Re: POGS Rouge-like in progress!
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2023, 12:14:57 AM »
The game looks nice and unique.

I think your biggest challenge will be Marketing it.


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Re: POGS Rouge-like in progress!
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2023, 05:07:23 AM »
Thank you!

Yes, I can already see how hard it is to get any attention. But it's my first fully finished game and also a little bit weird one, so not expecting miracles here.

Anyway, having fun with Playmaker and thats most important for me at this moment :)


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Re: POGS Rouge-like in progress!
« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2023, 03:29:16 PM »
Any plans for multi-player mode?

maybe a playable version on