Hi Jean,
xml create Node does not seem to work, also on your sample (RssFeedEditor) does not work
Also i am wondering what the difference is with xml insert node and create node?
i am almost done with the datamaker tutorial, only a few actions i need some help with...
How does the nodes Math Operator work? if you can make me a quick sample i can figure it out
What are the "Fsm Xml Properties Storage", "Fsm Xml Properties Type" and "Fsm Xml Source" for
and maybe a sample for Convert Json String To Xml Node.
ok, so I looked at this, and I spotted the issue, and made an update, please redownload from the
-- setting the inner text of a node works, simply put "." for the xpath query.
-- insert node lets you specific where ( first child, last child, etc)
-- Create node simply append to the parent node
-- the FsmXmlPropertiesStorage etc etc are for internal usage to create complex actions interfaces and avoid duplication.
-- I have pushed the unity scene I am using the test json to xml conversion, it's on the
Github rep.
-- nodes Math Operator is very easy, if you have a node with inner text 4, you can add 1 to it, without saving 4 into a fsmint, add it etc etc.
-- VEry important note, when you edit xm and you use an xml Proxy, use the action "XmlProxyRefreshStringVersion" after your editing so that in the Unity inspector the xml string of the proxy is refreshed, I fixed this in this latest version and is likely the reason why you get so confused, because them actions works, but it was not updating in proxies.