I am having some dilema as to how to translate ( or not actually) typical keywords such as:
-- GameObject
-- FSM
-- Gizmo
-- Float
-- Int
-- Vector3 Vector2
-- Child
You don't really translate those, because they are very technical terms that don't get usually translated.
In example, CHILD in italian is BAMBINO, but it sounds HORRIBLE and doesn't make any sense to translate it. It's just few words to learn in english... any programmer or coder wannabe will have to learn these words early anyway.
Another reason for not translating is that english has one of the shortest words average in the world.
In example, FLOAT in italian is VIRGOLA MOBILE. You don't really want to put VIRGOLA MOBILE in place of FLOAT in the actions. It would be crazy.
GIZMO has no translation at all.
FSM... you will explain to the user in the manual that it's Finite State Machine (Macchina di Stato Finito) and that's it, you don't translate that acronym.
GAMEOBJECT translates literally to GIOCO OGGETTO, doesn't make any sense.
Right translation would be OGGETTO DI GIOCO, but again, that's so long to put in the windows... much better GAMEOBJECT, and all people in the world know what GAME means and OBJECT is easy to understand as well.