Ok, I'm doing it... I'm finally bitting the bullet and getting Firebase and Unity/Playmaker working together! Wish me luck!
Ok community! I'm going to be updating people on progress here and hopefully we all can work together to make this happen!
Why Firebase? Because all my friends in Silicon Valley say "It's the best and to not worry about anything else."
The Plan:
1. Start with getting a REST API up and working
2. Create a tutorial for other PM users to follow
3. Get custom actions and the Firebase SDK working
4. Make a tutorial on how to use the actions with the Firebase SDK
Any suggestions are insanely welcome! Let's all pretend I was not on Apple's first TV show with an app coded entirely in PM, please treat me like I'm 5 years old and have no idea what I'm doing when it comes to REST API's and hooking up the Firebase SDK with Playmaker actions... Because I totally am 5 years old when it comes to this stuff XD
For anyone wanting to follow along, here is the documentation I'm starting with:
https://firebase.google.com/docs/reference/rest/databaseAll suggestions welcome!
Here we go!