------- [UPDATE]
Mecanim packages shoudl now be downloaded here:
Hi Everyone,
Ok, If you don't have Unity 4, get it now

The package attached to this thread is the beginning of PlayMaker support to Mecanim ( until it's officially supported of course)
You will need to import the "Mecanim Example Scenes" from the asset store.
Then you can import this package, and launch the scene
You'll notice that there is a PlayMakerMecanimProxy component. this simply allows PlayMaker Mecanim Actions to work properly as new monoBehavior methods exists to support Mecanim.
I need to now create more granular actions for you to create your own behaviors and control Mecanim variables, but I am facing difficulties for this new monoBehavior methods I mentionned above, so need some more thinking

So currently, specifically targeting a pending thread on that matter, you can have your avatar follow a target GameObject. This is good for ennemies, and also good for moving your avatar by touching the destination point, simply have the gameObject target getting dragged by the touch ( plenty of threads on that) and your avatar will nicely go there.