
Author Topic: Reverting a FSM on variants not updating (visual issue)  (Read 492 times)

Broken Stylus

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Reverting a FSM on variants not updating (visual issue)
« on: December 04, 2024, 04:59:24 AM »
I'm currently working on prefabs and variants, and when trying to revert a FSM on a variant to the original form from its prefab template, the changes are not visually applied but the FSM is nevertheless locked back into a state of pure instance that hasn't been touched by any edit. So clearly the command is seen and understood but it's not fully applied. When closing Unity and reopening it, and then opening the variant, the FSM is indeed in its pristine state so the issue is only visual. IOW it doesn't update itself visually, even if clicking on other FSMs or other GameObjects.

On Playmaker 1.9.8f1.