
Author Topic: Spritemanager2 (SM2) Actions: Available to everyone  (Read 9041 times)


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Spritemanager2 (SM2) Actions: Available to everyone
« on: June 28, 2011, 07:43:52 PM »
I don't have any time at the moment but in August I am taking a bit over a month off to focus on my game. My game uses Spritemanager quite a bit, and so far I am controlling it all through script. However, I'd be willing to pay someone (neg. depending on exactly how many actions it would add up to) to create these custom actions for me so that they are ready by the time my time off work starts. This way I can keep creating at the speed that PM allows me to without having to write up the actions myself (and I am not a great scripter). I'd need these done by August 8th. There might be other custom actions I would like as well, but I would pay another fee for that.

Added benefit is that I would share these actions with the community for free so you while you'll get some extra cash you'd also help out the Playmaker community. I just want a comprehensive set of actions to control the various parameters in SM2. I'll specify a list to the person that would be interested. Basically it would be being able to specify what animation to play, set what frames to play between, play backwards or forwards, loop types, plane, winding, color, width/height... that's roughly it, I'd have to think if there's anything I am missing.

PS. I am aware of the Spritemanager action that is out there. It doesn't do nearly enough unfortunately, though it is a great starting point.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2011, 06:12:11 AM by tobbeo »


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Re: Spritemanager Actions: Willing to pay
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2011, 11:34:31 AM »
I've done a fair bit of searching the forums and tried (unsuccessfully) to get the puppet spritemanager 2 script working. Even if I do get it working it seems like complete overkill as a solution. I'm currently moving a 2D heavy project over from Flash and spritemanager 2 (or an equivalent solution) is critical to the project. I see bits and pieces of information in the forum but I would like to know what the current state of this support is. There is a mention that "the team" was working on this for 1.1 but I don't know the status of that either. Since this is the latest post related to this topic I'm guessing there is no current solution. All I need to is to be able to playback predefined animation sequences on a PackedSprite.

Can someone give me a straight answer on the current support for Spritemanager 2 and Playmaker? I would really like to use Playmaker for this project but if the support isn't there I just wasted $100. I'm willing to pitch in for someone to write this if necessary.

much appreciated.




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Re: Spritemanager Actions: Willing to pay
« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2011, 05:21:06 PM »
I am working with a coder on it, he can reply with his name if he feels like it. So some proper actions should be available in the next few weeks.


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Re: Spritemanager Actions: Willing to pay (Solved - In progress)
« Reply #3 on: July 04, 2011, 03:22:42 AM »
Hi Rooster,

 Don't worry, you haven't waisted your money on playmaker, since anyway even if you would not use playmaker, you would still need to write a lot of script for SM2 to work properly. So instead of writing scripts, you would just write custom actions ( or wait until we release some :) ).

 Describe a bit more what you are after so that we can find ways to solve your problems.




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Re: Spritemanager Actions: Willing to pay (Solved - In progress)
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2011, 05:23:22 AM »

 Finally, the set of actions is now available on the wiki. I wanted to wait for 1.2 to be out so that each custom actions could benefit from an online help section just like regular ones. So for any custom actions in this package, the little blue help icon works and point to the user wiki with a proper section, interface screenshot and description.

Description instructions, and download is here:

 If you have any questions, critics, comments, rant, want more, want to contribute, have some idea: Do not hesitate to contact us and post on the forum.

 I would like to thank you Tobbeo for sharing back this work to the community, I am sure this will be most appreciated.




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Re: Spritemanager Actions: Willing to pay (Solved - In progress)
« Reply #5 on: September 19, 2011, 06:11:25 AM »
Thanks Jean! You deserved more than I could give you so I am very happy that everyone can take advantage of these. If you guys want to do a sprite based game, Sprite Manager 2 is an amazing tool and these actions make it a great combo with Playmaker. Changed the Subject to highlight that they are available.

Can't wait for your Array addon!
« Last Edit: September 19, 2011, 06:12:56 AM by tobbeo »


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Spritemanager 2 (SM2) Actions now with official online help links
« Reply #6 on: September 21, 2011, 01:33:12 AM »

 Brady Wright ( the guy behind SM2) kindly made available the SM2 help online after I talked to him about this set of playmaker Actions. So now each actions help has now a proper link to the actual SM2 reference. So if you are unsure about what an action actually does, you can be redirected directly to the actual official implementation help.

The SM2 online is available here:

And you can find each actions' help on the playmaker user's wiki:

Thank you Brady :)

« Last Edit: September 27, 2011, 12:15:37 AM by jeanfabre »

Alex Chouls

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Re: Spritemanager2 (SM2) Actions: Available to everyone
« Reply #7 on: September 26, 2011, 08:32:34 PM »
These look fantastic, and great documentation too!

Jean and tobbeo, you guys seriously rock!!