
Author Topic: Welcome! Please introduce yourself!  (Read 268696 times)


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Re: Welcome! Please introduce yourself!
« Reply #45 on: March 06, 2013, 08:34:56 AM »
Hi All

Im a newbie to playmaker but not to unity. i must say im really enjoying working with playmaker so far. i come from a totaly none code background so am still finding some of the concepts tricky, am getting there though.
We busy working on a side project which is a basic flying game, im a level editor but wanted to speed up my pipe line and concept development by doing the basic coding my self. my coding sucks...but playmaker i think i can handle!


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Re: Welcome! Please introduce yourself!
« Reply #46 on: March 06, 2013, 10:59:33 AM »
Hello there. I'm a 3d generalist who recently rediscovered unity and immediately saw the need for playmaker as I'm challenged towards code. I'm impressed by PM's design both surfacewise and what I can understand has been done internally, aswell as the support offered. Great product, which I'm trying to learn parallel to coding practices. See you around.


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Re: Welcome! Please introduce yourself!
« Reply #47 on: March 28, 2013, 03:11:20 PM »
Hello out there.

My name is Roland and I'm from the very north of Sweden.

Works as a professional C++/C# since the C-language was invented or since the mud was invented, which ever you prefer. I'm married and have 3 grown up child's. Four dogs are keeping me from getting fat.

Its on the evening that the real interesting stuff happens, and as you may guess I'm talking about Game Development.

But why bother about PlayMaker when I'm already skilled at C#. There are several reasons for that. Its fast and very practical. If something needs some more speed I can always covert that part to C#. Another and very very important thing is when you are not working alone on a project its a absolutely great way of having code that other members can grasp quickly, even the artist can understand Playmaker. Really nice

Me and my good friend Chris Van Wijmeersch are working on a Unity Game called SCOT or Seventh Crystal Of Theia. If you are interested in that there something about it here at the Unity Forums

I have attached an in-game image of our game where PM is used.

« Last Edit: March 28, 2013, 03:13:34 PM by rstralberg »


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Re: Welcome! Please introduce yourself!
« Reply #48 on: April 28, 2013, 02:55:33 PM »
Hello, I'm Luca Deriu from PlaySys. Just bought PlayMaker and spent the weekend on it. I thought it would be nice to use the first post for express my satisfaction. Thank you!


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Re: Welcome! Please introduce yourself!
« Reply #49 on: May 12, 2013, 03:59:20 PM »
I am Martina from Berlin, Germany. Interested in multimedia as a hobbyist, I have my hands in anything - image editing, video, animation, 3D, even a bit modelling ...

In my community we are thinking about a mascot for our website that should be also animated ...  I thought it would be not a bad idea to have it there also as the hero of little games ... So I looked around, saw Unity and Brandon Wu's class on and registered immediately, although deep inside I was not sure whether I could make it.

After about 2 weeks in his class now, I still have the highest respect for the knowledge and artistry of game makers, because, notwithstanding that PlayMaker does all the programming for me, it is not easy for me to follow the class. But at the same time I see what a great help PlayMaker can be. I am  watching a lot of tutorials these days, and today I bought PlayMaker.
Licked blood!

In the showcase section of this forum I have seen already many great games made by members of this forum. So much inspiration!

Looking forward to this community here,
Best regards,



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Re: Welcome! Please introduce yourself!
« Reply #50 on: May 19, 2013, 08:07:34 PM »

Welcome to the Hutong Games Playmaker Forum! Please feel free to introduce yourself, and tell the community what your working on with Playmaker!  ;D ;D


Chris from Atlanta, Georgia (USA).  I've been learning Unity, C#, JavaScript, and Blender for the past year and half in my spare time.  I work full-time in a totally unrelated field.  I used to write code in LPCMUD engines (old style Text Based games) around 16 years ago in C, so I've had a huge gap between coding.  I was tempted to get uScript, but I've been watching your tutorial videos all day (literally for the past 12 hours) and I'm totally sold.  I just bought PlayMaker and am very excited to use it.

So, You will see me on the forums as I don't mind asking difficult questions.  I try to avoid any question anyone else has asked, so shouldn't see much of that.

I'm a hobby/indie developer totally in my spare time, for now.  I want to get a couple of games out before I try anything more seriously.  I'm mainly creating games for my two 9 year old boys.



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Re: Welcome! Please introduce yourself!
« Reply #51 on: May 19, 2013, 08:13:38 PM »
Don't sweat asking questions! There's several of us in the US that are around to answer most stuff, and Jeanfabre is outside of the US answering almost everything during our overnight =)
Products by Cleverous
|| Vault Core : Database
|| Vault Inventory : Multiplayer Inventory
|| Vault Attributes : Character Stats
|| That Hurt! : Dmg Floaties
|| Quinn : 3D


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Re: Welcome! Please introduce yourself!
« Reply #52 on: June 02, 2013, 08:25:07 PM »
Jason, from London, UK. I've already published one game using ShiVa3d on iOS, Android and Blackberry and I am currently looking at Unity as possible platform for some future projects.

I've also worked on the Black Mesa Half Life 2 mod as a texture artist, prop skinner, 3d modeller (and also did a few spots of animation) since 2006. Been playing, coding, modelling and drawing games since 1995.

I just bought Playmaker as a way to ease myself into Unity (I used version 3 a while ago but decided to go with ShiVa3d at the time.) However, since Unity made Android/iOS publishing free (started the Blackberry beta) and playmaker is on sale :), I couldn't resist taking another look!

Autodesk Softimage is my main 3d application of choice, so I quite like FSM/node-tree-based programming!

So far I'm finding Playmaker great fun. Thanks.


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Re: Welcome! Please introduce yourself!
« Reply #53 on: June 24, 2013, 02:26:13 PM »
Hi there,

Ffz here, been a coder for a long time (assembler on the old commodore amiga) and now I'm getting my hands dirty with unity3d and playmaker. Absolutely love the product and the community.

Busy with my first unity + pm project at the moment, will dump some screenshots when I get some decent progress.


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Re: Welcome! Please introduce yourself!
« Reply #54 on: June 25, 2013, 05:30:58 AM »
Hi ! My name is Logan and i'm a French Game Designer. I've just started a game dev studio where i live in Reunion Island. I've just bought Playmaker and nGUI (couple of weeks ago) and i'm really enjoying Unity with these !
Please forgive my English !


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Re: Welcome! Please introduce yourself!
« Reply #55 on: June 25, 2013, 06:09:35 AM »

 J'ai un ami qui a vécu pas mal de temps à la réunion! Si tu faisait de la moto, tu as du certainement le rencontrer, il faisait partie d'un club Harley.

A plus,



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Re: Welcome! Please introduce yourself!
« Reply #56 on: July 19, 2013, 06:10:45 AM »
My name M. Azhari from Jakarta, Indoneisa. I'm  3D art lover who wanna making game.

Cheers  :)


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Re: Welcome! Please introduce yourself!
« Reply #57 on: July 23, 2013, 01:20:31 PM »
Hello all
I am new in this community. I have started using Playmaker recently. So i just joined here.


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Re: Welcome! Please introduce yourself!
« Reply #58 on: August 02, 2013, 02:52:44 PM »

I'm Bobby. I've been working professionally in the game industry for about ten years as an artist/animator/art director/art professor. I've shipped about 20 titles for nearly every platform from xbox to Ps3 to Wii to iOS. I've worked with products developed or published by companies such as id, Gearbox, Glu, and Warner Bros. to name a few. And I've worked on several titles that were developed in Unity.

I just discovered playmaker a couple months ago after having left my last studio position. I have spent my summer experimenting with it to see if I could build a vertical slice demo of an original game concept, to prove to myself that I could potentially make the first completely independent game of AAA quality while completely alone without any code written. Overly ambitious and naive? Yes. Realistic? No. But I have no reason to not try as I think it would make a great story, and be a cool way for me to tell the one I've written. And regardless I'm just having fun learning.

I have basically succeeded with the exception of a few issues to debug. Once/if I solve these problems, I will go public with the demo and begin sharing my progress and possibly attempt a crowd-sourcing campaign to fund some better resources to speed things up. I have a website almost ready to turn on. I just need to solve a few showstopper issues.

I've requested this forum create a section for collaborative offerings. I could really use another more experienced brain to help debug some problems with my attempts at constructing some of the more complex logic (which I believe is only complex seeming because my lack of experience in scripting/programming). In trade I could provide high end art services for other endeavors. Just a thought.

Regardless, I've said it before and I'll say it again. Playmaker is AWESOME and I high-five the developers of it and all the support provided in this forum! Thanks everyone! :D


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Re: Welcome! Please introduce yourself!
« Reply #59 on: August 05, 2013, 06:35:36 AM »

 do you have some samples of your artwork? I actually kind of look for someone to build a Wipeout ish race track to support some playmaker concepts for building such types of anti g races.

