I am Martina from Berlin, Germany. Interested in multimedia as a hobbyist, I have my hands in anything - image editing, video, animation, 3D, even a bit modelling ...
In my community we are thinking about a mascot for our website that should be also animated ... I thought it would be not a bad idea to have it there also as the hero of little games ... So I looked around, saw Unity and Brandon Wu's class on Skillshare.com and registered immediately, although deep inside I was not sure whether I could make it.
After about 2 weeks in his class now, I still have the highest respect for the knowledge and artistry of game makers, because, notwithstanding that PlayMaker does all the programming for me, it is not easy for me to follow the class. But at the same time I see what a great help PlayMaker can be. I am watching a lot of tutorials these days, and today I bought PlayMaker.
Licked blood!
In the showcase section of this forum I have seen already many great games made by members of this forum. So much inspiration!
Looking forward to this community here,
Best regards,