Anyone have any luck getting a text string into an NGui label with line feeds?
By that I mean, I'm trying to make an in-game scoreboard. I get the players' names from an array and put them all together with "\n" between each one, so it ends up like this:
Player 1 \n Player 2 \n Player 3
Then I send it to NGui using a SetProperty action linked to the text field of the label. The text gets there all right. it's just that it prints it all on one line.
I'm using "\n" because that's what their docs say the label recognizes, but evidently only "through code" and not just as a text string. I got that explanation from a thread I started there, but so far no explanation as to what to actually do.
Just wondering if anyone has tried to do this. As I say, it's for a scoreboard, so it'll display things like health, kills, etc. If there's a better way to do this (With Ngui), I'd be grateful for any help or guidance.