Hi -
I'd started (and now closed) a thread in the Help forum seeking a solution to an issue in which I was using the Vectrosity / MakeCircle action and trying to get the circle to follow a spline (which was also generated with Vectrosity, albeit with script).
What I came to discover was that while the spline was created as a Vector3, the Circle was a Vector2, and therefore attempts to set it on 3d coordinates were failing.
I resolved this in pure script, but cannot see a way to do it with the existing MakeCircle action. Basically, the linepoints need to be declared as a Vector3 from the get-go, as does the parameter for setting the origin, and the Draw() function needs to be changed to Draw3D
Additionally, in order to get the Circle rotated properly, I also had to include the Vector3.up parameter in the function call. This property is not available in the current MakeCircle action either.
For reference, here is the script I was using to resolve the issue. The commented parts are the original script, for comparison sake.
#pragma strict
import Vectrosity;
var segments = 16;
var lineMaterial : Material;
var radius = 2.0;
function Start () {
//var linePoints = new Vector2[segments+1];
//var line = new VectorLine("Line", linePoints, lineMaterial, 3.0, LineType.Continuous);
//line.MakeCircle (Vector2(2,0), radius);
var linePoints = new Vector3[segments+1];
var line = new VectorLine("Line", linePoints, lineMaterial, 0.5, LineType.Continuous);
line.MakeCircle (Vector3.zero, Vector3.up, radius);
Any way these features could be implemented to extend the existing actions?
I was going to do it myself, but am a total noob with Action creation . . . this would probably take Jean Fabre a matter of minutes to spin out.

Thanks in advance!