
Author Topic: Mesh Generation & Vertex Pick- access to position, normal  (Read 6343 times)


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Mesh Generation & Vertex Pick- access to position, normal
« on: July 21, 2011, 06:01:17 AM »
Looking into procedural mesh generation examples on Unity3D site I've been trying to find some way to access the point data in a mesh through PlayMaker actions - both for transformation and new mesh generation.

Being able to access control vertices of a spline would also be most excellent.

Mesh generation is an awesome capability and effect. Is it possible to implement? This will open things up to really great dynamic geometry based apps.



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Re: Mesh Generation & Vertex Pick- access to position, normal
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2011, 02:58:21 PM »
Are there any plans to implement mesh generation in Playmaker?

I would like to be able to change the mesh associated with an object on the fly without resorting to destroy and create gameObject if possible as that loses any information the object is storing unless I transfer that information to a third part object for safe keeping.


  • Playmaker Newbie
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  • Posts: 6
Re: Mesh Generation & Vertex Pick- access to position, normal
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2012, 03:46:51 PM »
Indeed, actions related to procedural mesh transformation will be very useful. Generative art and other exciting things will become much easier with it.  :)