Somebody asked about making a first person controller in Playmaker on the Unity forums, so I thought I'd reproduce the answer here:
Note, if the standard first person controller in Unity works for you there's no need to reinvent the wheel! But this might still be interesting as an example of how to use Get Axis and Transform actions...
A simple first person controller made with actions (thrown together in 5 minutes):
Put this on a capsule with a Character Controller component and an attached camera (similar to the setup for the built-in Unity first person controller).
In practice I'd probably split the movement and mouselook into 2 FSMs so they can have their own states. (e.g. Lock movement, but still look around; or take control over the camera to lock onto a target etc.).
Also you should limit the tilt, and use variables for move/pan/tilt speeds so you can expose them in the FSM Inspector and have a nice front end for your controller (Move Speed, Pan Speed, Tilt Speed, Max Tilt...).
When I have a moment I'll try to wrap this up into a nice sample and template.