
Author Topic: Oomph: Free Space Combat & Customization Kit  (Read 29450 times)


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Oomph: Free Space Combat & Customization Kit
« on: November 01, 2013, 02:10:26 PM »
Project Files Download

r1.1 Requests

    • Add button to instant build a ship
    • Add respawning for the player
    • Add ability to exit ship and walk around, then re-enter
    • Add Crosshair
    Release 1.0 Notes

      • Instructions are in the Oomph Documentation.doc file.
      • There are still some things I want and need to tweak, but this is more than enough to get a beginner going, or to introduce physics flight.
      • Please comment if you have any concerns, ideas, trouble or errors with the kit.
      « Last Edit: November 17, 2013, 11:35:18 AM by Lane »
      Products by Cleverous
      || Vault Core : Database
      || Vault Inventory : Multiplayer Inventory
      || Vault Attributes : Character Stats
      || That Hurt! : Dmg Floaties
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      Re: Oomph: Free Space Combat & Customization Kit
      « Reply #1 on: November 02, 2013, 07:04:47 PM »
      Hay Lane,

      First thank you for this amazing example.
      I wanted to know if you have that design doc in word format? I love it in the kit to help follow and work with this kit but I would also like to read it in a doc if you have one.

      I have some things planned to help me learn playmaker better.
      This is a list of some of my ideas:

      1. Save/Load via some type of database. (mysql.sql light ect.. Still looking into it all.)
      2. Network photon multiplayer.
      3. Money system
      4. skill advance system (pilot with 4 skills, character sheet and advance in HP ect..)
      5. Inventory
      6. Skill minimum equipment
      7. More ship components (shields, generators ect..)
      8. Missions/quests

      Let me know what you think. All this will take a long time but will be a great learning experience.
      Bionic Marine Command Space FPS WIP


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      Re: Oomph: Free Space Combat & Customization Kit
      « Reply #2 on: November 02, 2013, 07:31:21 PM »
      Hey there,

      You're welcome! I also learned a lot while making it and tried to mirror that in the kit as much as I could. =)

      I don't have the design document in word format, I actually chose to keep it as an FSM because I liked to nature of linking workflow together and keeping track of things schematically but also its right there in Unity. I used an excel sheet for keeping track of lore type things, like weapon ideas, weight balancing and keeping track of naming hardpoints, whats mounted there and such but I don't think its really pertinent to the kit. The only other thing that may have been helpful in it was a list of rules I made to help be keep prefabs consistent, such as which hardpoints were on which part type so that the Shop system could consistently find things, but those rules will fluctuate if you decided to modify the system to suit your needs.

      Do you think more is needed to explain some particular aspects of the systems or is whats provided pretty sufficient?

      That's a great list of things to work on! Some of them will be easy, others are bigger undertakings like Multiplayer and an Advanced Inventory. You'll learn a lot adding those things and the smaller systems like Money, Skills and Missions will be a great place to start if you're just starting with Playmaker. I tried to keep the main variables exposed internally to change, so you can see from the weight calc and ammo calc in the shop how to quickly implement a system that does the same for analyzing character data and loading multipliers into base stats for health and things. I considered doing a Perk system, but wanted to put the kit out for feedback before getting too far ahead of myself.
      Products by Cleverous
      || Vault Core : Database
      || Vault Inventory : Multiplayer Inventory
      || Vault Attributes : Character Stats
      || That Hurt! : Dmg Floaties
      || Quinn : 3D


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      Re: Oomph: Free Space Combat & Customization Kit
      « Reply #3 on: November 02, 2013, 08:05:26 PM »
      Hey there,

      You're welcome! I also learned a lot while making it and tried to mirror that in the kit as much as I could. =)

      I don't have the design document in word format, I actually chose to keep it as an FSM because I liked to nature of linking workflow together and keeping track of things schematically but also its right there in Unity. I used an excel sheet for keeping track of lore type things, like weapon ideas, weight balancing and keeping track of naming hardpoints, whats mounted there and such but I don't think its really pertinent to the kit. The only other thing that may have been helpful in it was a list of rules I made to help be keep prefabs consistent, such as which hardpoints were on which part type so that the Shop system could consistently find things, but those rules will fluctuate if you decided to modify the system to suit your needs.

      Do you think more is needed to explain some particular aspects of the systems or is whats provided pretty sufficient?

      That's a great list of things to work on! Some of them will be easy, others are bigger undertakings like Multiplayer and an Advanced Inventory. You'll learn a lot adding those things and the smaller systems like Money, Skills and Missions will be a great place to start if you're just starting with Playmaker. I tried to keep the main variables exposed internally to change, so you can see from the weight calc and ammo calc in the shop how to quickly implement a system that does the same for analyzing character data and loading multipliers into base stats for health and things. I considered doing a Perk system, but wanted to put the kit out for feedback before getting too far ahead of myself.

      Yes some of these will be easyer than others. The systems I am planning out the managers for now. Listing global variables ect.. A set of video walkthroughs would help a bunch. The docs could use more of a roadmap but that will be tons of writing and I think vids are better to follow.

      But no matter what you have done a great job for this example. Digging into it alone is great for learning.
      I had planned on using some of the assets in the unity store with this as a base engine.
      For the store and shop.

      For the ships.

      And for the scenes.
      This one has some nice scripts and more to come that playmaker can work with also.

      Hmm I may just start with a single player version. Looking at save/loads I could use player prefab instead of database. What do you think?
      « Last Edit: November 02, 2013, 08:13:57 PM by dreamlarp »
      Bionic Marine Command Space FPS WIP


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      Re: Oomph: Free Space Combat & Customization Kit
      « Reply #4 on: November 02, 2013, 08:24:32 PM »
      I'll look into doing some basic videos to explain things and how they work.

      Those assets look pretty cool. I know for a fact that Space Unity has some amazing features you can use. The Sci-fi kit looks really stunning as well, with double sided prefabs its noteworthy that most of Michael O's kit is one sided (cheaper this way, but not as flexible), making it difficult to actually build working double sided ships and stations. Nice to see that art pack showing off some exterior views.

      The ship construction kit looks cool too, if it's totally interchangeable and modular then thats really impressive, its a struggle to get the constraints defined so that you can build parts and make them not clash with each other.

      Saving/Loading will be much easier than multiplayer integration, I think. Not that multiplayer isn't made easier by Jean's work with Photon, but singleplayer is a much simpler task. I haven't looked into PlayerPrefs but there are some threads around here related to Saving/Loading and it seems pretty painless.
      Products by Cleverous
      || Vault Core : Database
      || Vault Inventory : Multiplayer Inventory
      || Vault Attributes : Character Stats
      || That Hurt! : Dmg Floaties
      || Quinn : 3D


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      Re: Oomph: Free Space Combat & Customization Kit
      « Reply #5 on: November 02, 2013, 08:57:19 PM »
      Yes it would be nice if Space unity had playmaker support.

      Maybe he will add this. I like the space ship kit because it has ships cockpits also and its build modular. I have not been able to find many space ship's with sep parts out there.

      Yes Michael O plans on adding a lot more to that kit like a hanger soon he said.

      With more reading these forums I am convinced that just getting Easy Save 2 will save me a lot of work. Might as well not reinvent the weal.

      For the vids Just a workflow of some of it would be great, I am not looking for a this is how I made this kit set of tut's though I am sure many would love that.

      My main concern is how your kit may work with the space unity kit. Or might it be better to rebuild your systems into his kit. I think I will request playmaker plugin for his kit.
      Bionic Marine Command Space FPS WIP


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      Re: Oomph: Free Space Combat & Customization Kit
      « Reply #6 on: November 03, 2013, 09:19:27 AM »
      Great thanks, now off to play with the kit ;)


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      Re: Oomph: Free Space Combat & Customization Kit
      « Reply #7 on: November 03, 2013, 09:57:11 PM »
      looking good, bookmarked and play with this later ^__^


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      Re: Oomph: Free Space Combat & Customization Kit
      « Reply #8 on: November 16, 2013, 02:27:15 PM »
      Impressive work!

      I've registered specifically so I could thank you and to post some comments, so here it goes.

      Thank you for sharing this project with us.

      I'm very surprised this thread has only this many comments. I guess it's because of a niche within a niche effect (one has to be interested in Unity, have Playmaker, like sci-fi _and_ like space games, or something like that).

      I was (again) very surprised by how clean your code (FSMs) is and how easy it is to understand. I've expected something much more complicated. You must have some awesome skills!

      I also like your creative use of an FMS in _DesignDocument. Though I still didn't go through all of it.

      All that being said, here are some of my comments (please take them with a grain of salt as I'm just starting to learn Playmaker and Unity):
      • I've noticed you access other FSMs directly. What are your thought about using Send Event Data & Get Event Info?
      • No cross-hair? Oh come on! ;)
      • With all the testing and messing around with your project it becomes very tedious very fast to build your ship every time I hit play. Some "Press g to take a pre-build ship for a spin" would be nice. Or the player could start with one to begin with.
      • IMHO, The End Game message shouldn't dissipater. The first time I missed it and wondered why my shield was not regenerating.
      • If I may ask – how many hours did it take you to build it?
      • I get a Unity warning:
      Code: [Select]
      Energy2(Clone) : FSM : PEW PEW! : SubtractFsmFloat : Could not find FSM: Health
      HutongGames.PlayMaker.FsmLog:LogAction(FsmLogType, String)
      HutongGames.PlayMaker.Actions.SubtractFsmFloat:DoSubtractFsmFloat() (at Assets/PlayMaker Custom Actions/SubtractFsmFloat.cs:75)
      HutongGames.PlayMaker.Actions.SubtractFsmFloat:OnEnter() (at Assets/PlayMaker Custom Actions/SubtractFsmFloat.cs:43)

        That's it for now, I'm off to dissect your code some more. I'll let you know my thought as I gain more understanding of it.

        I sincerely hope you'll continue to work on it.


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        Re: Oomph: Free Space Combat & Customization Kit
        « Reply #9 on: November 16, 2013, 05:34:13 PM »
        Thank you for your kind words! I'm glad you like the kit and were able to learn something from it =)

        It is quite niche, and while there's a lot of generic value in the design it's often difficult for people to dig in and check out something that they're not immediately interested in. No biggie though, I made it and learned what I wanted to learn and figured someone else might benefit in the process if this were available to study so here it is.

        I haven't checked out Send Event Data / Get Event Info. I've seen it mentioned but have yet to look into specific uses for it. I access FSMs directly because it seems like a good way to pass information and minimize what an FSM actually needed to share, and which objects needed to know what. I also reworked most of the systems a few times over and was just tired of changing them.

        Real men don't need crosshairs! ;) Plus, I'm doing the GUI with RageSpline and not everyone has that.

        Yes I'm ... extensively... familiar with the tediousness of building the ships over and over. I had intended to add a way to build one quickly but felt it would be better to see what kind of interest there was in the kit before getting into that.

        The game-over is a placeholder. There should be a system to explode the ship and respawn the player somewhere in there, but its another thing I put on the backburner and didn't add in.

        It took about a month off and on, mostly on the weekends and maybe a couple hours after work during the week. I got most things done on saturdays that I was able to stay in and work on it for 8 or so hours. There's probably 80 - 100 hours in it with the models included and all.

        The warning is from the projectiles hitting a target that does not have a defined Health system. I can't remember which but one or two of the weapons has an interrupt to check the health variable of the collider and if its 0/null then skip applying damage (no warning of non-existent variable). Non-zero results in continuing in the state and applying damage.

        Again, I'm glad you like it! I'll continue extending it if there is sufficient interest, and I'm around for support / problems / questions with it.
        Products by Cleverous
        || Vault Core : Database
        || Vault Inventory : Multiplayer Inventory
        || Vault Attributes : Character Stats
        || That Hurt! : Dmg Floaties
        || Quinn : 3D


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        Re: Oomph: Free Space Combat & Customization Kit
        « Reply #10 on: November 17, 2013, 03:41:54 AM »
        I haven't checked out Send Event Data / Get Event Info. I've seen it mentioned but have yet to look into specific uses for it.
        Like I said before, I'm still learning Playmaker, but I asked about that because it should provide a way to make different FSMs truly independent. If fact the receiving FSM could be completely rewritten/replaced as long as he responds to the event (and uses Get Event Info to get the data).

        The only down side I can see is: it's a bit harder to fallow the program flow (because the calling FMS does not name the FSM he's calling - which, incidentally, is the whole point to begin with as it should allow for greater flexibility) also there can be a performance hit in situations like handling bullets (but then again, the "old" way can be used there if performance becomes an issue).

        We also gain the ability to send values to many FSMs at the same time.

        Real men don't need crosshairs! ;)
        Ok then, a lousy dot, that's all I'm asking ;)

        The game-over is a placeholder. There should be a system to explode the ship and respawn the player somewhere in there, but its another thing I put on the backburner and didn't add in.
        What I meant is that the message disssapears to quickly.

        There's probably 80 - 100 hours in it with the models included and all.
        Sweet, you got some skills, mate. It would have taken me much longer and that's not counting art. BTW. Some of your models (actually, most of them) are really good. Do you have some background in art?


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        Re: Oomph: Free Space Combat & Customization Kit
        « Reply #11 on: November 17, 2013, 11:46:51 AM »
        Sweet, you got some skills, mate. It would have taken me much longer and that's not counting art. BTW. Some of your models (actually, most of them) are really good. Do you have some background in art?

        Thanks, I don't have a background in art but I've been using Max since 3.0 (old models: {1}, {2}, {3}) when I was a kid so its almost second nature for me. I like doing this as a hobby and used to love modelling characters. I peruse cghub and conceptships regularly, as well as some other artists blogs like Feng Zhu's. I'm basically just a fan of art and like creating my own stuff.
        Products by Cleverous
        || Vault Core : Database
        || Vault Inventory : Multiplayer Inventory
        || Vault Attributes : Character Stats
        || That Hurt! : Dmg Floaties
        || Quinn : 3D


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        Re: Oomph: Free Space Combat & Customization Kit
        « Reply #12 on: November 17, 2013, 05:08:07 PM »
        Awesome, mate. You got anything more recent, if I may ask? Or maybe a gallery?

        Unfortunately I'm more of a technical person, myself. Though I do enjoy other peoples work, when time permits.


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        Re: Oomph: Free Space Combat & Customization Kit
        « Reply #13 on: November 17, 2013, 10:50:37 PM »
        I'll have some more polished models coming along as I work on the characters for the game this kit is tied to.
        Products by Cleverous
        || Vault Core : Database
        || Vault Inventory : Multiplayer Inventory
        || Vault Attributes : Character Stats
        || That Hurt! : Dmg Floaties
        || Quinn : 3D


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        Re: Oomph: Free Space Combat & Customization Kit
        « Reply #14 on: November 18, 2013, 11:37:41 AM »
        I hope you'll show us something soon :)