Hello all,
so something like 5 years ago, there was a game called Project Torque... amazing game, but then after a while (i think) developers got into a fight with publisher or something like that, and there were different versions for EU and USA, and after few years it just all fell apart... but that game was awesome. USA version was closed, EU version was then called Level R, and now its called Heat Online, but it sucks big balls. Its not the game that it was before.
it was free to play, you had 10 tiers of cars, lower tiers were shitty cars and upper tiers were really good ones.
you could upgrade components of cars (suspension, tires, engine, etc..) and also install new body kits, change rims, etc...
you did this with ingame money that you got from winning races or participating in them, and you could ofcourse speed the process and buy virtual money for real money
you had few different racing types, such as: Race, Sprint, Capture the flag, Sumo, Drift... etc
so i've been wanting to do something like that, but with better game engine and upgraded graphics.
my game will not be some money grabbing free to play game... or be broken like NFS world for example? where everyone just spams nitro
you will be able to get everything for free, but you will have to put some time into it... same as for example World of Tanks if you heard of it, or War Thunder, or World of Warplanes, or MMOs such as: star wars the old republic...
anyways i've been working a lot for the past week on it... i made 1 model of Nissan GTR in 3DS Max, its got way too high polycount, 30k, but yeh it was my first model that i made so...
rest of the objects in game were taken from unity asset store or from internet... with proper permissions of course

i am using edy's vehicle physics, playmaker, NGUI, and Photon for multiplayer...
i've been currently trying to get multiplayer to work, (photon in specific), but without luck... its really complicated and its just way above my knowledge...
let me know what you guys think of it
Link to webplayer demo https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/47341033/Test%20webplayer.html 
For Alpha v0.1 i was thinking of having
Capture the Flag mode, and Infected mode (1 player starts as infected car, and he needs to ram other players to get them infected, and basically round is over when all players are infected, and you get points based on how long you survive)
and mulitplayer in... 8 players per room... but that is causing me problems right now