This is the very playable Alpha with the complete game loop. After this I go into balancing the game, adding unlockable inventories, new enemies and weapons. But essentially, the game will remain at this basic loop.
Warfront Defenders is meant to be released as mini games. One diorama like map for every game. But, it's a challenge to make every mini game fulfilling. I hope this very first map would give that sense. At least I'm looking forward to that.
Really depending upon your feedback guys. The playtest link has a small feedback form with it. I'd really appreciate if you take 2 mins to fill it. This is absolutely critical to the development of this game.
Play the Game in the Browser over here gameplay video of the Alpha 2.0.
Features Implemented till now :
1. Deployable soldiers which can move around the map from position to position.
2. Rifle and LMG soldiers till now.
3. Enemy has Rifle, LMG, Sniper Weapons
4. Unlockable Health drop inventory
5. Unlockable Barricades inventory
6. Unlockable Ammo Drop inventory