(Shameless cross-post from the Unity3D forums, but considering this is a playMaker game, I think it belongs here too!)
After spending about 6 months working on my solo project, I feel that it's finally at a point where I can start showing people.
Parasol, our hero, loves them apples. Unfortunately for him, he can't fly. So, it's up to
you to guide him there, and simultaneously give him a 'crash course' in the finer points of flight.
To kick things off, here's an alpha gameplay video of one of the levels:
Controls are simple. Drag your finger, or use a twist gesture to rotate the level, tap the screen to make Parasol fall to a block. Currently if no block is below him, it prevents him from falling into the abyss.
Some stills of the art of the game:

Parasol, our protagonist.

Basic block.

Rickety block. You can only step on these once, after exiting a rickety block, it falls out of the level.

Switch block. Switches turn a group of blocks on or off.

A delicious apple. This is the goal of the level, guide Parasol here!

Star! If you get to the apple in the least number of drops possible, you will be awarded with this shiny thing!
Parasol is being programmed entirely with playMaker, and I'm also using a couple of plugins to make things easier here and there.
As for release platforms, I'm going to be targeting iOS devices first, then afterwards I'll be investigating Android.
Stay tuned!
- Mark