
Author Topic: Collision Enter 2D Problem  (Read 2872 times)


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Collision Enter 2D Problem
« on: December 14, 2013, 04:27:07 AM »
i have a ball and 4 colliders. you can assume that it is a pool game. i add bounciness and initial force to ball. everything is ok until i add Collision Enter 2D Global Event to my FSM. i have 2 FSMs on my ball game object. i add this event to my second empty FSM and it is connected to an empty state. Problem is; it glitch(freeze) for nearly 1-2 frames when it collides a collider. when i remove this global event ball flows continuously. i also tried to disable second FSM and add this global event to first FSM. i connected it to an empty state and it's finished event to my main state. result is the same. is it a bug or i have to do something more?


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Re: Collision Enter 2D Problem
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2013, 01:05:49 PM »

 uhm... that's odd. Is it happening when you publish the game or within the editor? it may be a problem with the editor.

If not, can you pm me with your project? I will test locally and profile what's going on.




  • Playmaker Newbie
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Re: Collision Enter 2D Problem
« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2013, 04:45:25 PM »
i think i found problem. it is not directly related Playmaker. i had known that unity inspectors cause glitch on Physics Engine, so i always deselect objects before playing it on editor. this time Playmaker Globals window caused this problem. when an active window updates it values it cause update problem on game window. in this case i select another tab in the section that Globals in, i works fine. so solution is; select nothing, close or hide all editor windows that updates themselves with game object play.