
Author Topic: Mouse Pick Event (Inifinite Loop) versus MOUSE DOWN system event[SOLVED]  (Read 1945 times)


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I'm trying to do a simple switch with a cube.

When I use the "Mouse Pick Event" to send an event on mouse down, it does a infinite loop. I though that the mouse down event would occur once. But it seems that when I return to the starting state (Which have the Mouse Pick Event action), the state finishes and execute my transition for Mouse Down again and again, infinite loop.

But, if I leave everything the same, but instead of using a Mouse Pick Event action, I use a system event transition of "MOUSE DOWN", and no action in the starting state, all is working exactly as intended. Why is that ?

I need Mouse Pick Event to check for raycast distance, so the button cannot be used from too far away.

I attached a pic of the FSM to this post.

Note: The FSM work like this in short: I take a bool from another FSM. I store it into a local bool into the switch FSM. I check against that local bool. True or False determine if I turn on or off the other FSM.

« Last Edit: February 04, 2014, 04:50:12 AM by jeanfabre »


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Re: Mouse Pick Event (Inifinite Loop) versus MOUSE DOWN system event
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2014, 05:40:44 AM »
 it really depends on each state actions and how they are setup.

 typically, when using "Mouse pick Event", I have one state only using the mouse down event entry, then it moves to another state JUST listening to the mouse up, else you do get infinite loop for sure.




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Re: Mouse Pick Event (Inifinite Loop) versus MOUSE DOWN system event
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2014, 10:35:17 PM »
Thank you, I just needed to add 1 state for a mouse up between the mouse down and the rest of the switch logic. Now it works.
