Hey there, everyone!
Figured I'd share a little project I've started, which will likely be my next release. It's an endless runner with a bit of a twist.
Here's a gameplay video to get things started. Capture frame rate wasn't great, it's smooth in game:
Also, here's a WebPlayer. Space to jump/double jump, you can hold it to go higher, Left Shift restarts the level:
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/m8g1rgnq52a0vnb/SineRunner.html(Probably worth mentioning that it's quite hard at the moment, I just packed in lots of enemies to test it all out)
The colour coded cubes are placeholders, obviously. (Wanted to be sure it was fun first!):
Yellow - Coin
Red - Static enemy
Brown - Walking enemy
Orange - Jumping enemy
Light blue - Flying enemy
Black - Spike/Missile
Pink - Speed Boost
Blue (Ultramarine) - Shield/Mushroom pickup
Green marker - best score
I've wanted to make a platformer for a while (always been a favourite genre for me), but I'm still not entirely convinced that mobiles are great for them. So I'm making a runner with massive platformer influences as a happy-medium. Ideally the game will feel like you're doing a sick platforming speed-run, weaving through stuff and bouncing off enemies, rather than just dodging hazards.
Everything is done with PlayMaker and the Unity 2D physics engine. Using Pool Manager 5 to spawn the random sections and all of that.
I still need to implement a few more things, including a main feature, more on that later though.
I figured I'd take on a smaller project this time, and making little platforming segments is a lot more straightforward than designing increasingly difficult puzzles like in Parasol.
Idea at the moment is for it to be a free to play game, with IAP for coins and so on, which you use to buy unlockables. Though these will be mostly cosmetic, I'm steering clear of the pay to win design philosophy. I want a first time player to be just as able to get a high score as someone who has unlocked everything.
Hope you like it, I'm eager to hear feedback!
- Mark.