
Author Topic: FPS Wall Run  (Read 2271 times)


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FPS Wall Run
« on: April 18, 2014, 09:12:26 PM »
I'm trying to implement wall running with my First person character. I've tried many different things on my own over the past week or so but cant really get anywhere at all... To be honest I'm not entirely sure of the best place to start.

essentially what I'm wanting to do is snap the player to a runnable surface/wall whenever he runs into it, and when jumping, snap him to it at the height he hits it for a few seconds.
Hopping onto a wall, running forward, parallel to it while on it and dropping after a short while.

Again, I've exhausted my knowlege of playmaker and need more.


  • Junior Playmaker
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Re: FPS Wall Run
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2014, 08:08:44 AM »
Hi!  To do that you can try these options:
a) you can use Mecanim Animator controller and create animation that will run over a wall, when you use apply root motion character movement will be based on animation, familiar with that? But since you are using FPS character that is probably not option for you so b option might be.
b) you can use rotate your character by 90 degrees in Z axis and turn off gravity while you walk over the wall and add some force in local Y direction and your character will snap to the wall ;)



  • Playmaker Newbie
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  • Posts: 2
Re: FPS Wall Run
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2014, 04:36:10 PM »
Well, I seem to have found a good place to start.. So far, I can jump into a wall and trigger a no gravity state. And once you move away from the wall, you fall. I'm getting results I was wanting but one thing I cant seem to get.

I'm using trigger enter and exit to control the states on the character, but when I start it immediately fires the next state and waits for the trigger exit from the wall to work correctly

Basically, when I start, my character spawns and has no gravity but falls super slowly to starting platform beside wall due to the single frame or so of gravity from the start state and going directly to nongravity state without even hitting trigger. but once I hit the wall, the states and gravity work like I need.

I cant get it to stay in the start state until I hit the trigger