
Author Topic: FAQ for the most commonly asked questions  (Read 8609 times)


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FAQ for the most commonly asked questions
« on: July 29, 2014, 09:21:40 PM »
It would probably be a good idea to have a forum section dedicated to the simple questions that get asked over and over again - e.g. "how do I save my highscore", "how do have my score carry on over levels", "how do I make a health bar", etc.

I've noticed quite an increase in these questions being asked over the past few months. I know people should probably search for the answers (they'd find them pretty quickly), but maybe a sticky of the most common questions might help. (Maybe even with links to the threads where the answers are discussed in detail).


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Re: FAQ for the most commonly asked questions
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2014, 11:54:08 PM »
Great idea! Would be hard to catch everything but the basic stuff like Playerprefs would make it easier to point people to the FAQ page, might work better as a wiki page.


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Re: FAQ for the most commonly asked questions
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2014, 05:21:24 AM »

 I would second that, but we would need to separate content I would suggest, asking for tips on saving highscore is really falling into micro samples and tutorials whereas a question about how to use global events would be more eligible for a FAQ.

What do you think?

The ecosystem is supposed to answer this in a way, the coming soon next version will have micro samples and templates to browse and can ( it's meant to be for that) be the one stop to look for typical cases, design patterns and samples.




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Re: FAQ for the most commonly asked questions
« Reply #3 on: August 07, 2014, 05:52:20 AM »
Hi all.
I am noob about game design, programming, no talent for art, etc. but i want to do projects because i just want it. Its like a hobby. Thanks for making Playmaker, its really helpful for people like me.

All the time i search for video tutorials. Because i find it best way to learn things on the computer(for me). I found lots of videos about playmaker but they are all seperated. They need to be organized like this forum. It will be better than FAQ in most way.

Sorry for bad english :( (I am from Turkey)


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Re: FAQ for the most commonly asked questions
« Reply #4 on: August 07, 2014, 12:59:45 PM »
I agree! It would be helpful, I've noticed a lot that beginners often seem to have a hard time finding information like this even despite it being available somewhere.

One concern I have is getting to much information out there... right now there is the wiki, a huge volume of add-on's and samples within them, ported examples, YouTube videos covering a huge range of topics, a seemingly endless supply of forum threads, custom actions, the expanding ecosystem, online courses featuring play maker, starter kits on the asset store, etc...

I think to a beginner this is overwhelming. There may need to be a more clear, obvious place to get information but I don't think there is a lack of it. There are often requests for new stuff that is just around the corner and already existing, it's just a matter of finding it. I've been wondering about how to fix this for a pretty long time now but it's kind of tricky to figure out if there is a legit lack of information, if it's unclear, or if the person is simply having a hard time finding it. If there was even more stuff, would it be even harder to find what you want? Would a better archive of sorts help with that? There's also varying skill levels to think about. One topic might be something a beginner is trying to understand for the first time, but an advanced user is trying to polish or look at varieties of so the content had to be simple enough to let the beginner absorb but the advanced user not get bored over... It's tricky! And can bloat the available resources if not done right which makes it hard to find precisely what you need.

Anyway, maybe slightly of topic and kinda wall-of-text-ish but I think it's applicable and food for thought on this topic.
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